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  1. jim_green_

    Protein Skimmer Constantly Dirty

    Hello. Got a 75 gal reef tank with 60 lbs of lr, a few fish, a few shrimp, snails etc.. got a couple frog spawns.. protien skimmer has been getting very dirty very frequently. Is this the signal of something.. lots of brown algea also. More water changes ? thanks
  2. jim_green_

    red stuff all over tank

    no it doesnt wipe off easy at all.. in fact im unable to scrub it off some of the pumps at all. i do get some occasional 'slime' stuff.. but that vacuums out real easy when i do my water changes.
  3. jim_green_

    red stuff all over tank

    will this hurt my crabs at all ? they got spots on there shells.
  4. jim_green_

    red stuff all over tank

    ya.. its difenately corraline algea from what ive seen in other pictures. what is so good about it
  5. jim_green_

    red stuff all over tank

    its relatively new.. a couple months old.. it looks odd especially on the crabs. ill have to do a search on this corraline algea. thanks
  6. jim_green_

    red stuff all over tank

    hello. i have red marron stuff all over my tank and rocks and pumps. Even my little crabs have reddish stuff on them. I cant even scrape the red stuff off. WHat is this and how do get rid of it.
  7. jim_green_

    Starfish getting eaten by shrimp

    My Sanddusting starfish came home three days ago and are being attacked by the peppermint shrimp. I see the shrimp molesting the starfish and now my starfish only has two good legs. Is there any thing i can do?
  8. jim_green_

    Salt remnants

    Been running the tank for a couple weeks now, got some live rock, getting some shrimps this weeekend.. question - as far as the salt remnants that get everywhere on the tank and lights and hood - can i just wipe it back in the water ? will this ever disapate?
  9. jim_green_

    First Post

    roughly how much LR am i looking at picking up for a 75 gallon tank ? 30 lbs ?
  10. jim_green_

    First Post

    are there more 'good' things that come along with the LR compared to 'bad' a friend of mine suggested that i soak the LR in cold water to make sure i kill everything, cuz he had a hitch hiker that was killing his fish.. dont quite remember what he had..
  11. jim_green_

    First Post

    Hello. First post here. Been reading for a while.. Just getting back into the hobby.. been gone for years.. Just got my 75 gallon filtering for the time. Picking up the LR over the weekend. Question is, do i soak it in cold water or just put it in the tank ?