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  1. sunrays

    water changes

  2. sunrays

    water changes

    I have a sps dominated tank and was wondering what others with similar set-ups do for water changes??? What frequency to you do changes and how much water do you swap out? Please give your tank size as well....thanks...
  3. sunrays

    What does Velvet look like?

    Thanks Ohioguy06, That was a good link.....Anyone have actual pictures of this parasite and what a bad case looks like?
  4. sunrays

    What does Velvet look like?

    No, I just was researching and couldn't find any good pictures to see what it looks like.....
  5. sunrays

    What does Velvet look like?

    What does Velvet look like? And what are the symptoms? :notsure:
  6. sunrays

    Pygmy Angel: Septicemia

    I have a Pigmy Cherub Angel and it is an extremely active fish..even with lights out.......seeing one lay down is not a good sign. Hope it can recover for you....
  7. sunrays

    I goofed big time....

    Chris, I am not disputing the need for excellent water quality for the health of the reef tank. However, I do not believe that not so perfect water causes ich. As far as getting your info from "the guy" who "ran" a couple public aquariums... I would be shocked to hear that these institutions...
  8. sunrays

    I goofed big time....

    No offense but I know your thoughts on the biology of ich are incorrect. There is much credible scientific data to disprove your theory on ich being always present and a manifestation of fish being stressed, and poor water quality. Here is an excellent article to prove my point: also sites...
  9. sunrays

    I goofed big time....

    Well, I introduced ich to my reef tank......what a bummer. I never performed a QT and I am now payiong the price..... I pulled all the fish (see below) and will use this as an opportunity to redesign the reef and do some cleaning. So this is what I am doing for treatment: 1) Set up a 29gal...
  10. sunrays

    Maroon Clowns

  11. sunrays

    Maroon Clowns

  12. sunrays

    colored angler

    Guys....lets think rationally about this one for just one something 4 times their size???? I don't think so.... Let's say the angler is 4 inches long ....that would mean it could eat a fish that was potentially 16 inches long....NO WAY... :hilarious AW2, of all the anglers you...
  13. sunrays

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    Well I disagree....and you are certainly welcome to that opinion. I for one don't believe this story as being true.....not enough FACTS....and it seems rather trollish. Lastly.....even if you are so adept at seeing the difference between the pictures Skiutah said they could not tell the...
  14. sunrays

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    No kidding it's not a green chromis.....that was my point. Also, how can you possibly say it doesn't look like a sea turtle?????? :notsure:
  15. sunrays

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    Looks like a close match to me....two are true sea turtles and two are fly rivers....not to mention the fish w/the fly river looks a lot like a green chromis.....
  16. sunrays

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    Can you identify the species of turtle without hesitation? You mentioned chromis....what type? Because there are freshwater fish that resemble chromis...... Unless you can identify the turtle within a couple species I am doubtful that it even was a Sea Turtle...........Also, if you can't...
  17. sunrays

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    Yeah... I could only hope that it would make it onto an episode of COPS!!!! Teenagers being what they are (and thinking how I was back then) I wouldn't put it past them to try and pull a fast one on would be soooooo easy to fool the untrained eye into believing it was a Sea...
  18. sunrays

    An Interesting Peice of Livestock

    Not to question your knowledge of Sea Turtles but are you sure it was a sea turtle? I ask because there is a species of fresh water turtle that is exclusively aquatic (like sea turtles) and is readily available....and guess what??? It looks exactly like a Sea Turtle...and they are captive bred...