An Interesting Peice of Livestock


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
ski u seriously need some help. may i suggest dr.phil
how about maury
"today we will be discussing jealousy over marine reptiles that are going extinct and beind sold on the black market to rich teenagers in beverly hills when a buisnessman stabs an innocent teenager in the back because the dealer was actually his half sister or something..."


New Member
Looks like a close match to me....two are true sea turtles and two are fly rivers....not to mention the fish w/the fly river looks a lot like a green chromis.....



i dont think the kid should have been keeping a sea turtle. ive seen one in the Boston Aquarium and i dont think a 500 gallon is big enough. i mean the things are like 3-4 feet and TALL. i dont think they should be kept in anything short of a public aquarium. and just because he's had it for 5 1/2 years doesnt mean anything. sea turtles live like 100 years if i remember right. and you can keep fish alive without the proper environment.
if someone invited you into their house to show you their saint bernard kept in a cage not big enough for it to move what would you do? would you alert the authorities or let it go? i think you would tell someone if you had any care for animals at all. its the same thing here. A 500 gallon is NOT big enough for a sea turtle of any kind.


Originally Posted by Sunrays
Looks like a close match to me....two are true sea turtles and two are fly rivers....not to mention the fish w/the fly river looks a lot like a green chromis.....

hmmm... I can't recognize the turtle cause they all look the same. I know this was a salt water aquarium because he had a wet/dry system underneath identical to mine (just bigger). He also had it stocked full of corals. Mushrooms, tons of xenia, colt coral and I did notice a bunch of very large purple clams. He also had a jaw fish in a burrow in the corner of the tank. The only other fish ther was, were green chromis. (The more I look at the pics, I think it was the one in the guys hand... but I can't really tell).

darth tang

Active Member
If it was a fly river turtle, the poor kid got ripped off. I have heard of these selling in london for 500-1000 american dollars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by skiutah
hmmm... I can't recognize the turtle cause they all look the same. I know this was a salt water aquarium because he had a wet/dry system underneath identical to mine (just bigger). He also had it stocked full of corals. Mushrooms, tons of xenia, colt coral and I did notice a bunch of very large purple clams. He also had a jaw fish in a burrow in the corner of the tank. The only other fish ther was, were green chromis. (The more I look at the pics, I think it was the one in the guys hand... but I can't really tell).
Post the PICs


Active Member

Originally Posted by Sunrays
Not to question your knowledge of Sea Turtles but are you sure
it was a sea turtle? I ask because there is a species of fresh water turtle that is exclusively aquatic (like sea turtles) and is readily available....and guess what??? It looks exactly like a Sea Turtle...and they are captive bred by numerous people...and grow very large...and are legal to own. It is called the "Fly River Turtle" I have attached an image for reference.... :thinking:
I am sorry, but that looks nothing like a sea turtle.

Oh, and sunrays, the fish in the background of the FW turtle, are rainbowfish, very different from chromis.


New Member
No kidding it's not a green chromis.....that was my point. Also, how can you possibly say it doesn't look like a sea turtle?????? :notsure:


Active Member
because it really doesn't..I can tell you which ones of those four pics are, and are not the sea turtle...not that hard


New Member
Well I disagree....and you are certainly welcome to that opinion. I for one don't believe this story as being true.....not enough FACTS....and it seems rather trollish.
Lastly.....even if you are so adept at seeing the difference between the pictures Skiutah said they could not tell the difference in an earlier posting....FYI.


Originally Posted by Sunrays
Well I disagree....and you are certainly welcome to that opinion. I for one don't believe this story as being true.....not enough FACTS....and it seems rather trollish.
Lastly.....even if you are so adept at seeing the difference between the pictures Skiutah said they could not tell the difference in an earlier posting....FYI.
You are welcome to your opinion too my friend. I can't tell the difference in those pics, but I do know it was a sea turtle, because of his set up. I don't have a lot of facts, because I was there for less than 5 minutes. Who knows, the kid might have lied to me about how long he had the turtle and where he got it from. All I know is the the protection group will find out the truth.


Active Member
I think he did the right thing. Even a swimming pool sized area wouldn't be big enough for one...they travel at like 20mph! I think you need lighten up on him, he was doing the right thingg


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
ski u seriously need some help. may i suggest dr.phil
:hilarious internet hi-five puffer


Active Member
Didn't think I would respond to this but here it goes.....many comments on this thread seem as though they are coming from children. Comparing speeding to illegally selling wildlife, are you even serious? We (as in most of us) call animal control if we see a domestic animal being mistreated or not cared for properly. Does that make all of us "losers" too?
And for all of you thinking this turtle may be released into the wild and die that would not occur. Aquariums etc. take in many animals, confiscated, captured or injured, where they are given proper housing and medical care and the lucky ones rehabed for release if they are candidates. The only way this turtle is going right back into the big blue sea is if the guy who bought it gets sick of it and dumps it there.