Originally Posted by Madison
I can't believe I am reading this crap...

skiutah ~ maybe you should put on a cape and call yourself Batman! better yet..Turtle to the rescue!
I hate to bring up the Bible...but doesn't it say the let those who has not sinned against me cast the first stone?
For all of you not familiar with the Bible...didn't Tupac say Don't hate the player, hate the game???
What are you jealous that you can't afford 10k for a pet?!
Yes! it's illegal! but who do you think you are?! calling the cops after you 2 faced the kid and went to his house??? if you feel so strongly that an injustice has been done...go join the SPCA, join the LAPD, join the boy scouts and help old people across the street...but to hide behind the phone???? what a wuss...
1. Having that turtle in captivity is both illegal and WRONG!
2. IMO!!!!!!! Skiutah's cowardly, wantabe super hero actions are the root of my anger!
Are you kidding me? I can't believe you just said "What are you jealous that you can't afford 10k for a pet?!". What does that have to do with anything? You really think I thought "Man, I can't afford a 10K pet, so I'm going to turn this kid in". Turtleman? How old are you? OMG... I can't belive I'm aruging with someone so immature. One more thing... NO I'm not jealous and YES I could afford it if I wanted too.
"IMO!!!!!!! Skiutah's cowardly, wantabe super hero actions are the root of my anger!"
As far as I'm concerned you should be removed from this forum. I was posting an incident and I thought that you guys would be interested in the situtation. I'm not an idiot, I knew that I was going to be criticized by a bunch of people for not doing what they would have done. I can take criticism. But to come in here and post comments like that? Calling my actions cowardly? I'm a wanabe super hero? I'm not even going to say anything.
This comment is also directed to Anthony as well. Calling me a loser? Who are you guys?
Give your 2 cents on the situation and lighten up a bit. Don't come in here and call people names. God, I feel like I'm in junior high again.