Search results

  1. smilliej

    16 Gal - can I have your feedback?

    I did some looking around and i think it's a torch. Any suggestions for another coral species that is hardy and happy in the aqurium. My tank is a bit bare and I want concentrate on corals rather than fish, only a 16gal. Thanks. Jen
  2. smilliej

    16 Gal - can I have your feedback?

    Yes, your probably right about the rock being unstable, I'll try and shift it down to a more secure spot tonight. Thanks for the comment on the photography, I love it!
  3. smilliej

    You Know You're Addicted When...

    I come home from work, pore a glass of wine and pull a chair in from of my tank and sit and watch it, instead of the TV. Bliss.
  4. smilliej

    16 Gal - can I have your feedback?

    Hi, I am slowly getting my tank setup after a few learning disasters. Im not too sure about my aquascaping, and would like some feedback. Current inhabitants: 1 twinspot goby 1 singaport angel 6 spotted shrimp 2 turbo snails Can someone please also help identify the pink coral in the last...
  5. smilliej


  6. smilliej

    What the! How do I read my glass hyrdrometer?

    Well, conflicting opinions, but with so many members it's to be expected. Im going to go with BangGuy with 25yrs experience. :) I'll also be taking my time to get it back to a decent level. I also have a AquaC Remora being shipped from the US, Very excited!!!! Thanks for your help guys. Jen
  7. smilliej

    What the! How do I read my glass hyrdrometer?

    Originally Posted by Merredeth Throw out the the glass hydrometer and get a refract. They are about $50 - $100 bucks unless you go on the great auction site of the world and you can get it for less. They are inaccurate as you can see already by the problems reading it. I wouldn't risk my tank...
  8. smilliej

    What the! How do I read my glass hyrdrometer?

    Hey Denise i just noticed you're from Perth... I was born in Subiaco... not too many Aussies in these parts.. :) Lleyton just lost! :(
  9. smilliej

    What the! How do I read my glass hyrdrometer?

    Mine is a nano too, 16gal. The snail's are now wrapped in plastic in the bin.... smelly buggers. Well, in my research of this fascinating hoby, i just found out that im supposed to top off with fresh water, not salt... so trying to get my tank back to the correct salinity... i hope i get a few...
  10. smilliej

    What the! How do I read my glass hyrdrometer?

    Anyone? I've done a search but cannot find anything.
  11. smilliej

    What the! How do I read my glass hyrdrometer?

    I have a free floating hydrometer, and im not sure how to read it.. you know how it has the green section between 1.020 and 1.030, well the waterline under the water is at 1.030, howver the water "lip" above the water surface is around 1.024/5. Which one is correct, how do you read these things...
  12. smilliej

    Do I need more filtration?

    I have a AquaC Remora on order. I cant wait to get it. What size powerhead should I look at for a 13gal with softies? I know they cant take too much, is there a limit?
  13. smilliej

    Do I need more filtration?

    It's the internal Eheim filter, which has the sponge inside that collects the buildup of particles in the water. There was allot of crap under the CC when I removed it so the sponge was pretty gunky. I clean it out in the water from my water changes. Also, the water change is as a result of the...
  14. smilliej

    Do I need more filtration?

    I have a 16gallon reef tank, that i am in the process of re-organizing after a few mistakes in setting up. Firstly, i removed the undergravel filter and crushed coral as it was causing high nitrate levels in my tank (loss of my fishes). I replaced it with a 1" layer of coral sand. My tank...
  15. smilliej

    Help! Looking for an online stockist to deliver to Sydney

    C'mon, I know there are a handful of Australians using this site, and ive been searching for an online fish stockist to deliver locally, does anyone know of one. SWF does not deliver to Australia so im hoping they wont mind mentioning another in this region. Thanks for your help... Jen
  16. smilliej

    AUSSIES - Help! Looking for an online stockist to deliver to Sydney

    C'mon, I know there are a handful of Australians using this site, and ive been searching for an online fish stockist to deliver locally, does anyone know of one. SWF does not deliver to Australia so im hoping they wont mind mentioning another in this region. Thanks for your help... Jen...
  17. smilliej

    Can I use regular ocean sand in my 13g with LR?

    I believe the LR hitchhikers will eventually inhabit the LS aswell, is this sufficient substrate for a bio-filtration system? I currently have CC and it is not only unappealing (no effective cleaning crew for it) but i have also been told that CC and under gravel filter are nitrate factories for...
  18. smilliej

    Biofilter for my Nano - help

    Hi, I have a 13g nano which has been running for 10 months now and Ive realized that the CC and undergravel filter is playing havock with my filtration. (and after strong reccomendations from SWF members to get rid of them). I also have another internal sponge filter. Can you please advise...
  19. smilliej

    Does deliver internationally?

    I am trying to find an online stockist here in Australia, does anyone know if delivers to Australia, or are there any Aussies on here that know of a reputable online stockist locally? Thanks, Jen :happyfish
  20. smilliej

    Does The Glass Top Block Required Lighting?

    Hi Thomas, Thanks for the quick reply. 1. Get rid of the under gravel filter, they are no good on saltwater tanks. Really? It was supplied with my original tank setup, althought I dont go to that lfs anymore.. :) What do you suggest for a Nano (13gallon), at the moment I have the undergravel...