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  1. r6danger


    does the new oceanic 90 gallon available with a built-in overflow? i want a bowfront in the 90-110 gallon range with a built in overflow
  2. r6danger

    little help please...

    how about that ammolock 2 stuff? or amquel? do those product work to decrease ammonia?
  3. r6danger

    little help please...

    my tank just finished cycling a week ago...had the water tested and all readings were zero so i added a powder blue tang...a week later i tested the water and everything was zero so i added a sohal's been 5 days and everything looks are eating great...but i went to my LFS...
  4. r6danger


    anyone know the different sizes for an oceanic bowfront? looking for something in the 90-110 gallon range...all-glass makes bow fronts but only 46, 72, and 155 gallon...72 is too small and 155 is too big...i want a bow front a little bigger than 72 gallons but not quite 155 can find any info on...
  5. r6danger

    need answer quick!!

    oops....will they get along? i have a powder blue tang and i got a deal on a zebra tang and i have to pick it up in about 10 minutes sorry and thanks
  6. r6danger

    need answer quick!!

    will a powder blue tang and a zebra tang get ?
  7. r6danger


    i'd like the info too please...please email to: thanks
  8. r6danger

    go juice?

    has anyone used or even seen this product? i was at a fish store today and one of the workers told me about a product called "go juice"...he said it can cycle a tank in about 20 sounds similar to products like cycle and costs 5 bucks an ounce and an ounce treats 25...
  9. r6danger


    will a hawkfish eat my hermits? my mom is giving me her hawkfish, but i wanna know if it will eat my hermits before i take it...i need an answer quick because she's giving it to me tomorrow
  10. r6danger

    lemonpeel angel?

    how hardy is a lemonpeel angel?
  11. r6danger

    Anyone got a used skimmer they want to sell?

    you can also email me at thanks again gobiodon...
  12. r6danger

    Anyone got a used skimmer they want to sell?

    gobiodon, my email is thank you
  13. r6danger

    something in my liverock?

    i have something growing in a hole in my live rock...looks like a's white and when fish swim by it goes back in the hole...what is it?
  14. r6danger

    Anyone got a used skimmer they want to sell?

    i asked first!!
  15. r6danger

    Anyone got a used skimmer they want to sell?

    Gobiodon, you giving away anything else? :)
  16. r6danger

    cycling fish...

    well the tank is almost finished cycling according to my lfs....just wondering what are some cool, hardy, first fish....besides the usual damsels, clowns and green chromis
  17. r6danger

    cycling fish...

    what are some hardy fish to cycle your tank with besides damsels, green chromis, clowns, or mollies? my tank is a 55g with 15lbs. of LR and a mix of 10lbs. of LS mixed with has been running for 2 weeks and my lfs says it's almost finished cycling...what are some hardy fish i can get?
  18. r6danger

    liverock rusting....

    not really but it looks like it...what's this rust-colored stuff growing all over my's spreading all over my tank...on the dead coral, CC, do i get rid of it? my tank has been set up for a little over a week...haven't tested the water yet so i don't know if it has...