Search results

  1. sarwiz100

    Anyone ever heard of an ecoaqualizer?

    Ok we are shutting down our 125 because of moving and not having room for it, plus our work schedules lately have preempted us from spending the time needed on the tanks. But after having one of these ecoaqualizers on it for a year and a half, and with our lack of upkeep at times, I would say...
  2. sarwiz100

    LIVE ROCK SALE in Chicago area

    rock is gone. I have corals and mushrooms and fish left. 1 yelloow tang, 1 royal gramma basslet, 2 clarkii clowns, 1 7 stripe, 1 cleaner goby. some frogspawn, anthellia, xenia, polyps, and a few other miscellaneous things offer.
  3. sarwiz100

    125 Gallon in Chicago area

    We have moved and I really need to sell this tank. most of the lr is gone and I'll take any reasonable offer.
  4. sarwiz100

    125 Gallon in Chicago area

  5. sarwiz100

    LIVE ROCK SALE in Chicago area

    Originally Posted by reefer75 I am interested in all of your live rock. What kind is it? send me your email and I'll send you what pictures I can. I believe most of it is Fiji
  6. sarwiz100

    125 Gallon in Chicago area

    I'll be on sunday in the afternoon to check here
  7. sarwiz100

    LIVE ROCK SALE in Chicago area

    I have about 200 lbs of live rock that I'll sell at about 1.25 / lb. asking 250.00 for all. This is still in the tank for sale. in Highland , In. Also have some fish and corals. 75 gallon tank and lid 40.00 Can be picked up at 9449 Kleinman Rd Highland , In 46322 we are moving and it all MUST...
  8. sarwiz100

    125 Gallon in Chicago area

    125 gallon reef tank , 30 gal DIY sump, quiet one 4000 pump, protein skimmer, and other accessories . black tank backs have been removed but I still have them. Tank is bottom drilled. wave maker (the timer type) 4 powerheads in all, the skimmer has a 1 yr old rio pump on it. in Highland ...
  9. sarwiz100

    to cut or not to cut?
  10. sarwiz100

    Astrowars anyone?

    What does it take to get to level1? I can't seem to find that info anywhere.
  11. sarwiz100

    Is everybody using a refractometer?

    Have a floating hydrometer, a deep six and a refractometer. I use the temp scale in the floater only (it reads 2-4 points low) the deep six is JUNK, different reading EVERY time, and it IS aged. The drs site has a good refractometer for around 40- 50 bucks, and I'll NEVER use anything else...
  12. sarwiz100

    Nori ??

    and its good for you too. we find it at an asian grocery store nearby.
  13. sarwiz100

    Astrowars anyone?

    hello, I see bs21 here, howdy. just trying to catch up on reading here. I see elfdoctors too, I think I'm in the right place.
  14. sarwiz100

    Need Flourescent endcaps

    Thanks NM Reef , found them on another site and got some ordered. Used to be able to find shoplights that used them for cheap, but they all went to compact type.
  15. sarwiz100

    Need Flourescent endcaps

    If anyone has some flourescent waterproof endcaps that they would be willing to part with, I'd appreciate it. Let me know what you want for them and shipping. I need to change over from the fixtures to make the tank more accessible. sarwiz at yahoo dot com
  16. sarwiz100

    Another Drilling question

    First, make sure it is NOT tempered, then to reduce/ eliminate vibration, use flex hose to plumb it. Some 55s , I have heard, are all tempered glass. You could use a short piece of flex, say 3-6 inches long. Just make sure you have a nice smooth drill job.
  17. sarwiz100

    125 tank and stand

    is it reef ready?What brand tank? DImensions?email me :sarwiz at yahoo dot com
  18. sarwiz100

    Heater issues

    You have mail. They do have a three year warranty. It does sound like yours is defective.
  19. sarwiz100

    125 tank and stand

    how much? where in ch are you?
  20. sarwiz100

    New gonoporia Coral

    Originally Posted by Rappa XRAYMAN... I don't think that is goniopora. I'm pretty sure it's Alveopora. I agree, there are only 12 tentacles around the center, whereas gonipora has 24.