Search results

  1. dutch06

    High Calcium and High Alkaline

    Originally Posted by reefnewbee Been doing 15gal water changes every two weeks now using Red Sea Coral Pro, but not much change in these two. I just posted in another thread about testing your salt mix. Although, I didn't say which one in the other thread, it was Red Sea Coral Pro. I was...
  2. dutch06

    I want to $%@#@# scream!!

    Originally Posted by Handbanana can someone recomend one thats not ornimental but will still cllean my tank up? Snails. Lots of them. The shrimp is not cleaning your tank. It cleans parasites from fish, ie Ich. It's easier to keep a fish from getting ich, or another treatment versus relying...
  3. dutch06

    How do I deal with high ALk and Calcium levels?

    I will throw out there, test your water change before putting it in the tank. I was dealing with chronic low alk and mg was acceptable. Couldn't figure it out. Tested my water change and it was 2.2 meq. I was not pleased.
  4. dutch06

    I want to $%@#@# scream!!

    Originally Posted by King_Neptune My question is would it do it in under 24 hours? Good question. I don't really know the answer. I would guess it would depend on the health of the specimen. If it was 100%, no problems, I would guess no too. But if it had any underlying health problems, ie...
  5. dutch06

    Mantis Shrimp

    I'm going to guess pistol shrimp. I have a peacock mantis. Depending on the size of "dinner", usually will depend on the number of strikes. Blue-leg hermit, one smash. Huge turbo, 8-10 smashes. A live gorilla crab (these are the best), could be any number, depends on how many times it...
  6. dutch06

    I want to $%@#@# scream!!

    Originally Posted by Lmecher Your nitrate level is 20?? Your SG is definately not what killed your shrimp, it was your nitrates. Ornamental shrimp are very dleicate and do not do well with elevated nitrates. You need to get that tank stabilized before adding anything else...
  7. dutch06

    Vodka Dosing.

    Originally Posted by 9supratt4 I am not adding anything, but vodka, but I will look into the MB7. Do you have to continue with the MB7 during the entire time of dosing vodka, or just until the maintenance level is reached? It's a continuous dosage. Most people will split the dosage into...
  8. dutch06

    Angel in Reef Experiences

    I had a Flame Angel in a heavy SPS 120. Never touched a thing for months. Bought about $300 in acans and had to trade/sale them all. He wouldn't leave them alone. I had to build a "cage" out of egg crate until they were all gone. Now, he's gone.
  9. dutch06

    Brown Velvety slime/Covering

    Search dinoflagellate. And if it is, good luck. Their a beast.
  10. dutch06

    Vodka Dosing.

    Originally Posted by spanko Google Brightwell Macrobacter 7. Or go to brightwell aquatics . com hit the products tab then go down to the list on the bottom of the page and click on Microbacter 7. +1
  11. dutch06

    Vodka Dosing.

    Originally Posted by Rigdon87 And thats exactly my problem,im in a pickle here henry.I don't really kno where to start and dnt want to come in blind folded.Is that you maintence dose or are you still increasing weekly??And i dnt kno were i read this at but once you start dosing, it's nearly...
  12. dutch06

    What can I add to my refugium to decrease nitrates?

    Originally Posted by shwstpr88 Can I add anything else to help decrease the nitrates. Vodka.
  13. dutch06

    Beginner Reef Spreadsheet

    I use this.... ReefCon LT is the free version. It covers everything I need.
  14. dutch06

    Bubbles under Cyano-HELP!!

    IMO, Purple Up is not an acceptable method of raising calcium levels long term. You need to look into a two-part solution of some kind. How much flow do you have? (powerheads) Your lights should be on six-eight hours max. I would probably reduce to four while your battling cyano. In a 29g, I...
  15. dutch06

    What does this mean?

    A good RO/DI unit can achieve 000 TDS. (Total Dissolved Solids) 0 TDS would be the purest water you can put into your tank.
  16. dutch06

    Free in Indy

    PM sent.
  17. dutch06

    Kalk reactor FS

    I did read everything and it still seems shady to me. Everybody else can decide for themselves.
  18. dutch06

    Kalk reactor FS

    Warning. This guy has a negative seller feedback on --. The situation seems to be resolved but you can read the transaction for yourself. Buyer beware. Jlaudiofreak - I apologize if this isn't the same person as on --, but considering the screen name matches exactly, I just want the
  19. dutch06

    Question about dripping kalk....

    1. Sounds like I need a bigger bucket. 2. Can you give me the link to where you got that quote from? Either here or shoot me an e-mail. Thanks, E
  20. dutch06

    Question about dripping kalk....

    Thanks Hurt. Yes, I top off about 2-3 gallons a day. I got the drip rate to about one a second and I'm able to drip about 3/4 a gallon in around 12 hours. Do you think I should prepare a second bucket to drip in the morning to get somewhere around a gallon and 1/2 a day? I was going to try it...