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  1. cdavishb

    Yellow Tang died-don't have a clue why?

    Water parameters --Amonia-0; Nitrates and Nitrites--0; Ph -8.2; SG--1.023; Temp-79-80. Stomach actually looked full. Fish seemed to eat a lot almost from the moment he got in the tank.
  2. cdavishb

    Yellow Tang died-don't have a clue why?

    Tank is 55 gal Fish ONLY. Up since January. 2 perc Clowns, healthy. Added a 45 days ago. 2 Damsels added 90 days ago. Tank cycled well. I was patient as this board instructs. Water parameters are all good and have been very stable. Temp is 79- 80 degrees. Added the tang w/ drip acclimation...
  3. cdavishb

    How long do Diatoms last?

    I'm using R/O water. My tank cycled after 4 weeks. That's when I added 2 damsels. After 2 weeks it went through another cycle. Amonia is now 0.
  4. cdavishb

    How long do Diatoms last?

    I've had my 33 gal Fish only tank up for 2 months. Cycled after 5 weeks w/ dead shrimp. After adding 2 damsels it cycled again. Amonia is now 0 but Nitrites and Nitrates are high. About 1 week ago all the CC and artificial corals started turning brown. From reading this board it seems like...
  5. cdavishb

    Cycling new tank

    There are no fish in the tank. These boards are clear that fish should be added after a good cycle. I have one "aqua clear"powerhead 30 and a "whisper" 40. The power head supposidly pumps 175 gph and the whisper power filter 210 gph. The Whisper has a carbon filter that looks fairly clean.
  6. cdavishb

    Cycling new tank

    I have a 33 gal tank for fish only. Does the water turn cloudy when the amonia spikes. The tank was clear for about 2 weeks and turned a little cloudy. Amonia is .25 to .50. Ph is 8.4. Temp is 79.0. No nitrates or nitrites.
  7. cdavishb

    Clownfish problem

    I had to get rid of my yellow tailed blue damsel because he terrorized every fish I added. This includes another Damsel added at the same time as the first one. It was recommended as a good hardy starter fish. It was very healthy but was very mean to my bicolor dottyback.