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  1. sufunk

    The $799 Hawaiian Dragon Thread???

    It should be closed. We're always told by the mods not to complain about lousy customer service by on here because they dont check the boards. If we cant complain in the forums , they shouldn't be advertising in the forums. I agrre with the description. Ive always asked why all the...
  2. sufunk

    another one on the books

    Nothing more exciting than getting ahead by cheating. I hope Barry still thinks it was worth it when he has to explain to his son why he's dying at 50. Ten years from now, an emaciated Barry (just like Alzado) will be on all the stations telling everyone not to make the same mistake. Well...
  3. sufunk

    Off topic....

    Don't off-topic subjects go in the "aquarium" ?
  4. sufunk

    Off topic....

    Shouldn't this be in the aquarium section? I don't see any saltwater related photos
  5. sufunk

    Sun Coral

    Did yours spawn in his tank or did he buy it?
  6. sufunk

    Squidd, please answer

    Thank you for the response. Do you have a tank from them?
  7. sufunk

    Sun Coral

    Damn, you're a lucky guy. All my cousins ever give me is grief!! Did he buy both of those or did yours spawn in his tank? Why's he getting rid of the other one, looks pretty nice?
  8. sufunk

    Sun coral pics

    Welcome to the club Gotta get another pic after it gets adjusted and eats a few meals, then he'll really open up for ya.
  9. sufunk

    New Sun Coral And New Clam!

    Very nice! , looks like it has no recession. What are you gonna feed it? has it eaten already?
  10. sufunk

    Sun coral pics

    Its on Broward Blvd., just east of 95 on the North side. KInda hard to see if youre going west, but if youre going east and look left, cant miss it
  11. sufunk

    Squidd, please answer

    Squidd (and anyone else), from reading one of your plumbing posts it seems you are on a 1st name basis with glasscages. I was going to go with them because their price was great but found a few threads saying they were terrible( you may know the cathy incident). Researching them, there seems...
  12. sufunk

    Sun Coral

    You cant be sure but if you have any relationship with the manager or even strike up a conversation with him and make him think your gonna spend alot on corals and fish there he might try and hook you up. Maybe tell him something like, "yeah, i wanna start stocking my 180g with a ton of corals...
  13. sufunk

    Sun Coral

    if its not very expensive or you dont mind spendin the money, i guess give it a try. Id at least order from a LFS and tell them you want a NICE one. Does your lfs get any good corals. The sun's seem to go in cycles. I wont see one for a while, then every store will have a few.
  14. sufunk

    Sun Coral

    Thank you very much. Believe me, i looked at a ton of them and almost bought 50 crappy ones before i found this one. It is awesome in person. My crappo camera doesnt do it justice. Where do you live? Do you have decent LFS? do you ever see sun's at the lfs's? If you do, i would say just wait...
  15. sufunk

    Tank size question

    I think i need a closed loop then. Ill need the flow cus its definitely gonna be a reef and i dont want 50 powerheads in the tank like mine now. A few posts ago you said to go with 2 overflows to divide the back into 3 and that will allow a closed loop. What do you mean dividing it into 3...
  16. sufunk


    Just use a very small amount of lemon juice or boiling water and shoot it in the mouth. The other corals should be fine just be careful and dont use to much. If the anemone detaches, make sure you scoop it out
  17. sufunk

    ID this coral please

    Gotta go with crox, looks like some kinda toadstool
  18. sufunk

    Sun Coral

    Sounds good but 1 piece of advice. This is a coral that i would NOT order. First, it is very delicate. More importantly, i think you should see it in person to make sure it has very little or no recession!! The rock its on should be covered in its orange "flesh". You shouldnt be able to see...
  19. sufunk

    Tank size question

    I forgot to ask my question, does a closed loop have to be pre drilled? can i decide on it later or i have to know now and get it drilled?
  20. sufunk

    Tank size question

    Yeah, sunday theres either gonna be a pic of a sweet tank or foul shirt