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  1. red041k

    How much is too much?

    That has been the problem so far with her. She wanted to get a Sweet Lips, way to big. Ill probably point her in a direction that will work and let her choose from there. She has picked out some nice coral pieces. It was funny she didnt want to have a thing to do with the tank at first but...
  2. red041k

    3-4 months along

    Thanks. I try and keep the sand off the brain but my Dragon Wrasse is a real terror when it comes to stiring up the sand. I got some new coral the other day so i moved things around and its on a rock now, it seems a lot happier and now no sand. Im going to try and get a few wider shots and...
  3. red041k

    How much is too much?

    Thanks again for all the advice, i might have to try the water thing out. It might take a while to get them all but what in the hobby doesnt. As far as what to add im not really sure other than the CBB. I have read they are a difficult fish to keep so i may wait on that one for a while. My gf...
  4. red041k

    3-4 months along

    A few photos....
  5. red041k

    How much is too much?

    Copper Banded Butterfly, 2 reasons. 1. They are cool fish 2. I have a really bad problem with aiptasia I put 4 peppermint shrimp in about 2 weeks ago but they dont seem to be doing the job. Joes Juice works initially, but it seems the JJ gave me more aiptasia when the particles mixed in the...
  6. red041k

    How much is too much?

    I was thinking about 1 more fish but I dont want to overstock. 1 Dragon Wrasse 2 Domnios 3 3 Stripes 1 Yellow Tang 1 Coral Beauty 1 Maroon Clown Tank is 135 gallon (72" long) with a 25-30 gallon fuge. Tanks in advance
  7. red041k

    Lion Missing Some Fins

    Ya, its a red violitian. I was looking at him a little closer today and there only seems to be one missing. Hes just been sitting on some rocks or in the sand bed since i got him. He ate a little bit of food that floated by not too long after he went into the tank but doesnt seem to be...
  8. red041k

    Lion Missing Some Fins

    I just bought a Lion from my LFS, when i got him home i noticed a few of the spines/fins were missing on the side. Just wonder if those grow back or not. Thanks.