How much is too much?


New Member
I was thinking about 1 more fish but I dont want to overstock.
1 Dragon Wrasse
2 Domnios
3 3 Stripes
1 Yellow Tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 Maroon Clown
Tank is 135 gallon (72" long) with a 25-30 gallon fuge.
Tanks in advance


probably not too full but imo i would worry about conflicts and overstocking when that time comes. adding fish slowly lets you understand when you have gone too far.


i don't think you'd be overstocked. What fish are you thinking of adding?


New Member
Copper Banded Butterfly, 2 reasons.
1. They are cool fish
2. I have a really bad problem with aiptasia
I put 4 peppermint shrimp in about 2 weeks ago but they dont seem to be doing the job. Joes Juice works initially, but it seems the JJ gave me more aiptasia when the particles mixed in the water and the pieces landed.

The tank has been up for about 3-4 months now and so far everthing is going good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by red041k
Copper Banded Butterfly, 2 reasons.
1. They are cool fish
2. I have a really bad problem with aiptasia
I put 4 peppermint shrimp in about 2 weeks ago but they dont seem to be doing the job. Joes Juice works initially, but it seems the JJ gave me more aiptasia when the particles mixed in the water and the pieces landed.

The tank has been up for about 3-4 months now and so far everthing is going good.

I had an aiptasia come in on some rock I received recently.
I had read on another thread here that if you take a suringe and add boiling RO water to it and then blast it in the eye it will dissolve.
Just today, I boiled some RO water in the microwave.
I then took old saltwater (I had just did a water change) and moved the rock to the old saltwater bucket quickly so it would stay submerged and the aiptasia would still fan. When I saw it fan and could locate it, I picked it up and blasted the sucker with the boiling water from my suringe. You wouldn't believe how fun it is to watch something so pesky blow up and dissolve like it did. :joy:

I then put the rock back into the old water, swished it around and put it back into my display tank.
Needless to say, hours later when I went to look at the rock the aiptasia was gone and the rock looks good.
I think blasting the spot only and not the whole rock managed to preserve the life in the rock in all areas except where the aiptasia was. After all, boiling water will kill beneficial bacteria.
To get a suringe, I just asked for one when I went to the doctor for a check-up and the doctor gave it to me. My doctor knows me well and treats me right. Saving me a couple bucks is always a joy to me! :joy:
The next time I see here I'll be getting an IV tube and connectors so I can make a one gallon milk jug drip in kalkwasser (Yes, I finally caved and decided to give it another shot.).
Denise M.


Originally Posted by red041k
Copper Banded Butterfly, 2 reasons.
1. They are cool fish
2. I have a really bad problem with aiptasia

copperband's are not hardy fish. i wouldn't recommend them except to the experienced hobyist.
i also think that you aren't overstocked. what are you thinking of adding?


New Member
Thanks again for all the advice, i might have to try the water thing out. It might take a while to get them all but what in the hobby doesnt.
As far as what to add im not really sure other than the CBB. I have read they are a difficult fish to keep so i may wait on that one for a while. My gf is upset because i havent let her pick a fish out yet so maybe ill let her pick.
Because of the Dragon Wrasse i havent put any snails or hermit crabs in but i might try a few and see how it goes. I dont like having to use guinea pigs but Rhonda (thats the Wrasses name
) has been good with the shrimp so far.


Active Member
Originally Posted by red041k
...My gf is upset because i havent let her pick a fish out yet so maybe ill let her pick.
Because of the Dragon Wrasse i havent put any snails or hermit crabs in but i might try a few and see how it goes. I dont like having to use guinea pigs but Rhonda (thats the Wrasses name
) has been good with the shrimp so far.

Don't let her pick from the whole store! I had been taking my husband to the LFS and he would always want something that was either not compatable with something already in the tank, something that needed to go into a well established tank (when we first started). Basically, he was just into the "pretty factor" and to this day still has no clue as to how to take care of the tanks.
I'll be having surgery in a few weeks and I'm already sweating bullets knowing that he is going to have to care for the tanks! :scared:
I have to trust the very same man that forgets to let the dog out crap with my fish tanks. To say I'm worried would be a gross understatement.
Denise M.


New Member
That has been the problem so far with her. She wanted to get a Sweet Lips, way to big. Ill probably point her in a direction that will work and let her choose from there.
She has picked out some nice coral pieces. It was funny she didnt want to have a thing to do with the tank at first but now she wont stop buying/looking for stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by red041k
That has been the problem so far with her. She wanted to get a Sweet Lips, way to big. Ill probably point her in a direction that will work and let her choose from there.
She has picked out some nice coral pieces. It was funny she didnt want to have a thing to do with the tank at first but now she wont stop buying/looking for stuff.

You know what's really funny? Listening to my husband 'brag' about the tanks when friends come over and I know (as well as most of my friends) that he doesn't have ---- to do with them other than pick out possible tankmates.
Friends love to ask him questions about care, names and etc. They know he will just walk away with his tail between his legs when he can't answer the questions.
Denise M.