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  1. iamdead

    Water weight

    thanks all people on this board are great helpfule and quick Thanks to all on post new and old.
  2. iamdead

    Water weight

    Just a quick question. How much does wate rweigh a gallon.
  3. iamdead

    90 Gal. AGA Setup in Southern NJ

    Any pics?
  4. iamdead

    Pics of my 600 Gallon Being Installed!!!!

    very nice. if u want to give me your 150 that would be great lol. just kidding.Maybe one ill take a ride down to see it im in manalapan.Great tank
  5. iamdead

    wtb:75 to 100 gal tank in NJ

    capmay is kind of far im in manalapan.
  6. iamdead

    Explain where your user name originated

    came up with after i made a huge mistake. speaks for itself
  7. iamdead

    wtb:75 to 100 gal tank in NJ

    dont want to get banged over the head just looking to see if anyone knows a good place to go.
  8. iamdead

    anyone from NJ

    just got back from the lfs they wanted 1100 for a 90gal tank and stand is that a good price.
  9. iamdead

    anyone from NJ

    manalpan and im a old new yorker myself
  10. iamdead

    anyone from NJ

    new to the post and hobbie. Just wondering if anyone is from NJ
  11. iamdead

    were to get a good price on a 75 to 100 gal tank and stand in nj

    im in New Jersey(manalpan)and looking into buying a 75-100 gal tank full set up was wondering if anyone know any good places to go for a good deal. internet or lfs. thanks for the info for all those who reply.
  12. iamdead

    Where to begin?

    prob gonna get a 75 to 100 gal tank. i should have search site first casue that seems to be good sizes buy the posts ive read was really looking for info not really about fish but more of the equipment. like what would bee a good set up. gonna do a fish only tank. and thanks agian
  13. iamdead

    Where to begin?

    Didnt take it that way fishmamma. sorry if thought i did. heres the problem with the fish that is up to my wife and i will make her pick 1 she wants the most and continue from there to get fish that go well with each other as in aggresion, top, bottom ank thank u all who have a will reply.
  14. iamdead

    Where to begin?

    i know the $ is a issue but thats all been thought out a prepared for. have some books gonna order more but lookin really for sujestions on a good starting tank size and best equipment.
  15. iamdead

    Where to begin?

    :thinking: I want to start a salt water tank. I would like some input on what would be a good starter set up i.e size, equipment, and fish thanks