Where to begin?


New Member
:thinking: I want to start a salt water tank. I would like some input on what would be a good starter set up i.e size, equipment, and fish thanks


Active Member
The best way to go about it is to spend some time reading and looking at fish. Decide what it is you want to keep and go from there. Many fish have minimum tank requirements and some are community fish, others more aggressive. Then there is the reef or fish only thing. Budget will aslo obviously determine what you do but the possibilities are endless!


New Member
i know the $ is a issue but thats all been thought out a prepared for. have some books gonna order more but lookin really for sujestions on a good starting tank size and best equipment.


yea write down what you want to stock and envision it in your mind then you will know which route to go, such as fish only or whatever. It is cheaper to start off with a fish only, but will cost you more in the long run for upgrades to coral, such as lighting, etc. Bigger the tank, the better as you have more water volume to work with and will see your levels going off the chart before it happens and can take appropriate action. The bigger the tank, the more its gonna cost u to get started and maintain.. Alot of variables in this hobby that I have found so far..


Active Member
wasn't lecturing, just looking for some feedback on what you want to keep. It is hard to make suggestions with out any info on what you want. Any ideas so far on possible fish choices, ei. community tank or aggressive? FO or reef?


Active Member
As an example, I started with a 16 gallon, my second tank is a 29 tall and my third is a 20 extra tall. I like small nano fish, gobies in particular so though this set-up is way more expensive then doing a 55 gallon I can keep more of the species I like. If you like tangs you need a 75 gallon minimum, aggressive fish need a 55 or so minimum I would say, often larger. Many people will suggest a 40 or 50 gallon to start and discourage smaller tanks but I think you can start small if that is what you are looking for.


New Member
Didnt take it that way fishmamma. sorry if thought i did. heres the problem with the fish that is up to my wife and i will make her pick 1 she wants the most and continue from there to get fish that go well with each other as in aggresion, top, bottom ank thank u all who have a will reply.


Active Member
Gotcha. Well then you could go about this 2 ways...you could pick a tank size and have your wife pick a fish out of an appropriate list. Or you could have her pick her fish and then go from there.


New Member
prob gonna get a 75 to 100 gal tank. i should have search site first casue that seems to be good sizes buy the posts ive read was really looking for info not really about fish but more of the equipment. like what would bee a good set up. gonna do a fish only tank. and thanks agian


Active Member
No problem. Give some thought to overflows, sumps etc....you can spend your money on good filtration since you don't have to worry about lighting with a FO. IMO a good skimmer is worth it's weight in gold. Have fun and good luck!!