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  1. meme

    red algae

    hi, can someone please help, i have this red looking algae that is growing on everything and tried to add stock and it died. what could it be and how can i get rid of it. on the sand it almost looks like you can pick it up and on the rock it is a red velvet color. :help:
  2. meme

    algae colors, whats good? whats bad?

    i have a burgandy colored algae on my tank sides and edge of the sand what is it help. is it good or bad :help:
  3. meme

    Nitrate problems

    please someone , i have nitrite problems all of a sudden i have changed nothing just recently i lost 2 clowns a blue spot puffer, and a blue tang
  4. meme

    About Clown Fish

    how do you know when your tank is done cycling
  5. meme

    Crashed & Water changes won't bring ammonia down???

    :help: i have a nano reef tank with fish in it i hava a yellow tand a 6 stripe wrasse and a fire shrimp and a goby. the amonia level has risen and will not go away i have did several water changes help :scared: :notsure: