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  1. marcial


    I say if your tank is doind fine don't mess with it. I would only reccomend new bulbs if you are unhappy with what you have. The ultra sun super daylight bulb puts out 6500k. The 20,000 definitely puts out more light. My LFS told me that the 20,000K has blue Actinic in it, I really don't know if...
  2. marcial


    Sandman, I have the same tank and I changed my bulbs to the Coralife 20,000K 20watts (high-intensity purified super daylight lamps with rare earth color enhancing phosphors. Simulates tropical mid-day sun while casting blue-white daylight rays. Fish, coral, macroalgae, and plants will thrive...
  3. marcial

    Fish swimming funny

    Thanks for the words of wisdom (they didn't hurt too bad :) )This was the first that I have ever heard about pairing off the Clowns. I did do some reading and research (apparently not enough) but all I really had to go go by was my LFS, now I know my mistake. I idn't find this site until after...
  4. marcial

    Fish swimming funny

    What would you recommend that I do to lower the ammonia? Should I just keep adding ammo-lock? Please advise.... marcial
  5. marcial

    Fish swimming funny

    Broomer5, I did another 50% water change last night because the fish started their funny ballet again. After the change of water they were much better. This morning they were active and eating. My ph has been low also (8.0). I keep adding sea buffer but I just can't get it up to 8.2. I even...
  6. marcial

    Fish swimming funny

    Broomer5, My other filter was a Magnum 350 and the filter/bio wheel that comes with the Eclipse 3 hood. My ammonia level is about 2.0 ppm nitrite is about .25 ppm. Yesterday I did a 50% water change and the fish are a lot better but my ammonia and nitrite is still high. Should i just continue to...
  7. marcial

    Fish swimming funny

    Hello all, I am seeking your assistance in trying to figure out why my fish are swimming funny. Normally a fish swims with it's head face east and it's tail facing west (or vice-versa). My fish have been swimming with their heads facing south, while still swimming to the east or west (does that...
  8. marcial

    What lightbulb should I buy

    Hi, I have a 37 gal eclipse with a two 4000k daylight bulbs. I want to upgrade to better bulbs (should I?). Any recommendations, and if so, would I need to change the ballist? Currently in my tank I have rocks, coral, puku shells (no LR or LS, not allowed in Hawaii), 1 magestic angel, 1 blue...
  9. marcial

    Protein Skimmer is TOO good!

    Hi, On the seaclone skimmer, how do you know what is the right setting? If I have too much air going through, my tank fills up with tiny bubbles. If I turn it down it doesn't foam up. Should it always foam (bubble) up or will it only do it when there is trash in the tank? Thanks for the help...
  10. marcial

    eclipse system six

    There's a LFS here in Hawaii and they have one on the counter with a large rock (with holes) and two Percula Clowns. They are both at least 2 inches long. They refuse to sell them because they've had them since they were very small, can't blame them. Marcial
  11. marcial

    A beginner with questions (need some advice)

    Dseiler Thanks for the reply, as far as my readings go: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: about 40 ppm PH: 8.0 Salt level: 1.023 I do not have any live rock, if I put a live rock in it do I need to pull my fish out and/or use a DSB? And if so why do I remove the UGF? I thought it was a good thing...
  12. marcial

    A beginner with questions (need some advice)

    Greetings, I am a beginner to the saltwater fish world and I need some advice from you salty dogs out there. Now be gentle with me after you hear what I have to ask. I have done some reading but made the mistake of taking the advice of my LFS (live and learn) that's why I now turn to you. First...