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  1. beldarfish

    Looking To Buy 125 Gallon Acrylic Tank Or AGA

    heya wink, I talked to my gal lastnight & showed her the pics, she didn't like it :( so i am sorry to say i'll have to pass for a more traditional tanks. darn rectangles. Again,sorry, Beldar p.s. If it matters. I had her upto $800 B-4 I showed her the pics & got shot down
  2. beldarfish

    Looking To Buy 125 Gallon Acrylic Tank Or AGA

    Heya, I might be intrestsed in your tank, how much for the system,Anyone want to hazard a guesstimate?? I live just north of Det & will pick the system up if the price is right. Thanks, Beldar
  3. beldarfish

    tangs in 55 gallons? which type if any

    Hi, Just A quick Hit, I have a tang in my 55',that I TOLD my GF not to buy.(sailfin) I feel bad for the guy, & he is getting Bigger & people that know say the tank looks quite healty,(my fishy buds)I don't like it. he needs more room as he is growing & I just bought my lights :cheer: 1 good...
  4. beldarfish

    wow are hydrometers this inaccurate

    I just got my refract in the mail scaled out to 1.025 my hydro said 1.022 :notsure: Personally,I am glad I got a refract. that was my 2nd hydro & at 15 bucks or so..... my Bud said he has been "through 15 of 'em", I said" get a refract,I did", he was like "huh"?
  5. beldarfish

    Totally new,55 gal,needs Advice.

    Hi Again... Back for an Update........ It's been 3 weeks since live Rock went in & i got ALOT of die-off,just like I exspected, Diatoms coming in nicely... my specs are reading great. SG 1.023 AMM 0.0 trites0.0 trates .10 Water change soon! 2 .15 watt trichromatic florecent bulbs(replaced...
  6. beldarfish

    Michigan role call...

    Heya guys, Don't forget ME! ,I Am Beldar, Sterling Heights,MI. 55 Gal,60 # Lr ,just picked up my cleaner crew...... 25 turbo 12 blue legged hermits 1 salley lightfoot 1 fire shrimp 60# of a aragonite/puka mix 40/20 30 watts trichromatic( i know need more) 2 damsels (one is named "Ducky" cause...
  7. beldarfish

    Totally new,55 gal,needs Advice.

    thanks the stand was the most exspensive part so far. As you can see in my picks, the LR has alot of die off on it, thats won't hinder any other growth will it?? how often should i read my tank?, remember i need this cycle to start :(
  8. beldarfish

    Totally new,55 gal,needs Advice.

    let me know if you want more.please Also, the PUKA, I put a pic of it in my 1st post... I guess it is more for decoration & to keep the grain open so i don't get "dead spots in my substrate. It was MY IDEA to mix it in,Again decoration& the LFS guy thought it was a decent Idea :cheer: if you...
  9. beldarfish

    Totally new,55 gal,needs Advice.

    These are some pics, If they work, i will try to add more hope the res is good. thanks for your input. Beldar :happyfish
  10. beldarfish

    Totally new,55 gal,needs Advice.

    tried tp upload some pics,but i can't.2 MB max & my camera is a 7 mega pixal :/,can anyone help with this too ??? :-(
  11. beldarfish

    Totally new,55 gal,needs Advice.

    Hiya guys & gals, Like it says,I am a greenie,newbie or w/e ever you call us begginers. My girlfriend wanted a tank & we decided to make a project making a FOWLR tank. so, Saturday, we picked it up ,also a maple stand & canopy.nice equipment,so I thought(more later). here is my list & things I...