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  1. ben-heart

    bone sticking out side of my tang.....

    Would these be the scalpels that I've read about? I was never clear about where they were on the fish. i also have a yellow and royal blue tang and never noticed anything resembling this.
  2. ben-heart

    bone sticking out side of my tang.....

    Hopefully someone can help with this. I bought a tang that's brown with gold rimmed eyes, about a week ago. He's about 4.5 in long, the biggest in my reef tank- 75 gallon. He is very shy and just now out of hiding. He has what appears to be a tiny bone sticking out on his side, just in front of...
  3. ben-heart

    flushing sound every minute

    I just changed to a tidepool in my 75 gal. reef tank. There was nothing unusual the first day, but now there is a toilet flushing sound every other minute. I'm pretty sure that it's the overflow box. Anyone know what I can do about this? It's very loud!
  4. ben-heart

    Red Sea Protien Skimmer

    I'm using the Red Sea Deluxe Skimmer but I can't really answer your question as I'm soooo new at this. I just set up my tank last Fri. I bought mine from a pet store that was going out of business. They claimed that items over 100.00 were 50% off and this skimmer was originally sold for 200.00...
  5. ben-heart

    pics of the crab i caught!

    Is yours a new set up or did you add to your live rock? I set up on fri. and I havent found anything exciting, just a few bristle worms and those little brown anemones that everyone says to get rid of. That crab looks really cool, I can't belive you caught him!
  6. ben-heart

    So much for me to learn...

    I found a saltwater shop where the owner was a little abrasive ( I thought) with me. She suggested that I buy a book from her, read it cover to cover, and come back if I still was interested in a saltwater tank. I have high praise for her advice. I've bought 2 more books and still have a million...
  7. ben-heart

    Cycling With Fish???

    Yes, the sand had water. More than I realized and i made quite a mess with what was stuck to the bag itself. I bought the LR from 2 different stores, one of which was going out of business so selling the rock from its display tanks. The other rock was from a store that assured me it was cured in...
  8. ben-heart

    Cycling With Fish???

    I have been given so much conflicting info. on setting up this tank!!! Here's the deal so far- 46 gallon bowfront tank which was set up on Fri. eve. 2 bags live sand, 50 lbs. LR -cured bio bacteria added at onset I know importance of testing and will begin this shortly. My confusion is that...
  9. ben-heart

    Need info on Eheim Professional ll

    This is my 1st attempt at a saltwater tank. I foolishly bought a used set up from this joker that spent all of 30 seconds explaining the componets to me. We got the canister filter going. I just need basic info. How do you open it to clean it without the water flooding the floor? Does it need...