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  1. somoney

    PLEASE Help.. Anemone Question

    Without posting water params Im afraid there is nothing to be offered to help. Sounds like he's at death door, depressing, esspecially since it's a Rose, a very beautiful anemone. The instinctive reaction for most new reefers is to throw money at things until you kill it. Im affraid in this...
  2. somoney

    best lighting for 30 gallon reef

    Ive been following the hotest lighting system out there right now. Reef Central has a group of early adopters and posted pictures of there MH vs Solaris hoods. Insane growth rates of hard corals and longer extensions of there soft ones. Not to mention the added perc of saving them $40-75 a...
  3. somoney

    anemone for 12 gallon nano with PC lighting

    If there True Percs you could get away with a sabe but remember that those things can outgrow your tank in less than a year, and do host phyto in them so strong lighting is suggested in the Marine Invert bible. For a 12g you really should stick with BubbleTip's, if you want to be special buy an...
  4. somoney

    Featherduster vs. ?

    My Money is on a Mantis Shrimp. Pistol Shrimp dont slice open Feather Dusters and eat em.