Featherduster vs. ?


Ok...I recently added some new live rock. On that rock came some snails, hermits, and a camel shrimp. When I got home last night...one of my featherdusters was gone...with surgical precision. It's tube had been sliced (a very clean...non jagged cut) about half an inch down the 4 inch tube. Since the rock has been added...I've heard some very rapid clicks or popping noises (that I hadn't heard before) coming from the tank as well. They sound very similar to the sound you get when something is heating up...could it be my heater turning on and expanding...or a hostile hitchhiker? Do camel shrimp make any popping noises?


That's what I was afraid of...but the noise is REALLY fast. I'd heard a mantis before...and it seemed slower and more deliberate.


Wow...what's the luck? This all started with an aiptasia problem...bought a Coral Banded Butterfly to fix the problem. The CBB brought a nice case of Ich to my tank (no qt at the time)...moved almost all of my rock out of the tank and into a tub so that I could start hypo. Figured I could age a few new pieces of rock while I waited...now a possible mantis...talk about a string of events.


Well...it's been 2 days with a trap in there, and no sign of a mantis. Realizing this guy could still be full after the featherduster buffet...any idea how often they eat?


Active Member
I think I have one too cause its been making clicking sounds and sometimes some of my emerald crabs was killed and I conclude it was the mantis shrimp. I never see it coming out of the rocks. But I know he is there but I don't want to dismantle all of my rocks and coral in there hopefully if I see him one day I'll get him out or if I switich to a bigger tank which I'm planning to soon in the future.


Well...I just made a trap out of a water bottle. I cut the top off and turned it around...reattaching it with some fishing line...dropped a shrimp in there, and now I wait.


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If you catch a colorful Mantis and don't want it, I'm willing to pay for shipping and something for your trouble. Email me at GoSpeedGrrrl AT Yahoo.com
Good luck, and don't let him getcha! :cheer:


Active Member
First off, there is nothing that leads me to believe that these two are related.
1)I think the feather duster merely relocated, and in the process tore his tube.
2)the noise is probably (80% likelihood) a pistol shrimp. Even if it is a mantis shrimp, I am not sure how it would cut the tube like that...
Are you missing any other animals?


Well...as the story plays out...it turns out the worm did in fact jump ship. It relocated to a spacious hole in a prime piece if live rock. Still in search of the source of the noise, but I'm certainly not complaining. CELACANTHr...was that you that I saw looking in my window???