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  1. dayday


    you guys are very helpfull I'm getting the water and rocks on friday and just going to let it sit the guy at the lfs said if i use saltwater i don't have to wait long but after reading on this site its best to wait and be patient for best results for now I just want to learn with a fish only...
  2. dayday


    what do you guys think of hang on skimmers ?
  3. dayday

    Whats next...?

    im newbe just wanted to know im setting my tank up on friday now im getting saltwater from the lfs do i need to buy salt also are is the saltwater enough and can I pour the live sand in also the same day or do i need to wait? thanks
  4. dayday

    Turnover Rate Question

    im new here what is po4 level
  5. dayday

    Yellow Headed Jawfish - Very Cool!

    ive seen that fish before real cool behavior it has thanks for the info
  6. dayday

    going to saltwater

    Hello people i"m new to the saltwater world been into salt water for a long time and now i'm converting my 60gl to a saltwater the tank has a wet-dry hang on filter. This friday I plan on getting the live sand and water and let it run for a couple weeks is there chemicals that i sould get also...