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  1. jhawk

    Question About My Goniopora...Help!

    Originally Posted by B_Clark711 Your goni should be HUGE eating like that! LOL I just supplement calcium, iodine, strontium etc. and add Fuel & Marine snow alternately! It was doing great but I had to give it away before I moved and it died a few weeks later
  2. jhawk

    Question About My Goniopora...Help!

    GP rotifer 2 GP Artemia diet Freeze dried copepods Concentrated zooplankton Cyclopeeze Qyster Eggs Powdered flake food Raw shrimp Concentrated Phytoplankton Cod liver oil This is the list I always just dump small amounts of each till I like the way it looked then freeze it.Plus my fish liked it
  3. jhawk

    Halimeda tuna

    Guess it won't hurt to buy one I'll try that this week.
  4. jhawk

    Question About My Goniopora...Help!

    Has anybody on here use the recipe off the Goniopora web site?I used it and seen a big change in my Goni.
  5. jhawk

    Halimeda tuna

    Is there anything out reef safe that will eat Halimeda tuna?From what I have found in book thats what it is but just can't get rid of it also have Neomeris sp. but I'm not worried about it because it stays small.
  6. jhawk

    sharing pics of my 300 gallon

    Sweet tank
  7. jhawk

    Tank bowing

    I think that what I'm going to do.
  8. jhawk

    Tank bowing

    Originally Posted by Integral9 Both of my tanks bow about a 1/4" and have from the begining. 30g and 55g. Been up and running w/out extra bracing for 2-3 years now. The tanks were not new and I have not idea how old they are. Got them out of a neighbor's back yard when he wasn't looking...
  9. jhawk

    Tank bowing

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici 3/16ths?? you sure it an aquarium? Yes I'm sure
  10. jhawk

    New TANG

    I'll get some pic in the next few days will try to get some video also.
  11. jhawk

    Tank bowing

    Yes its a aquarium but been up for about 5 years.It is real close to 3/16 of a inch.Just went to LFS and all of the 29 and 30 gallon tank bow about the same so should I worry or just wait till june????
  12. jhawk

    New TANG

    Wobbles has a new home in a 180
  13. jhawk

    Tank bowing

    Ok just seen that my 29 is bowing out about 1/8 of an inch what should I do ??I;m moving in June and setting up the big tank then but now not sure what to do wait or just buy a new 29.
  14. jhawk

    DIY live rock

    Can somebody tell me the best way to make live rock.I have found a few ways to make it but would like to know how you guys have made it I need about 250-300lbs of rock
  15. jhawk

    diappearing zoos

    Found a sundial snail and yes I run carbon
  16. jhawk

    diappearing zoos

    I'm giving up on zoo
  17. jhawk

    diappearing zoos

    something is destroying my zoos. It's not fish or inverts. It's not hurting shrooms, gonaporas or anything else...only zoos. Every zoo I've purchased in the last year has been eaten except for one and it's still growing. I've done fresh water dip and everything I could think of. What could this...
  18. jhawk

    G2 skimmers

    Well just found out it is a G4 but has a G2 impeller so that why it make large bubbles
  19. jhawk

    G2 skimmers

    Can I have some pic of your sump setups with G-2 skimmers and what do you think about your g-2.Does anybody on here have any info on the G2 skimmer does not look like it working right to many big bubbles we bought it used.Need to get this tank up soon but can't do anything till we find out more...
  20. jhawk

    New TANG

    Originally Posted by SrgVigil Much more livelier in this video then the first. What was that movie/show in the background? Resident Evil