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  1. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    i guess you can. i'm not so sure how well it will work. anyways - pvc will be covered with coralline within a few weeks. you won't even know it's there.
  2. isistius

    Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!

    wow mike. looks great. you've come such a long way in such a short time with your knowledge and capabilities of "home/fishtank renovations".....i'm so proud of you
  3. isistius

    overflow help

    Originally Posted by darren0311 I had the same problem at one point, all i did was (T) off of the return line and have one line go back to tank and a line return into your wet dry, this worked for me i guess that will reduce the total flow. did you use the same size line? my return is 3/4"...
  4. isistius

    overflow help

    it's a mag 5 with probably 4 1/2 feet of head.
  5. isistius

    Quiet One Pumps

    i had the 6000 on my 135. used it as the return pump. absolutely silent. great that it can be used interal or external.
  6. isistius

    overflow help

    i have a 54 corner with a stote-bought durso. this thing keeps getting louder and louder. it drains into a wetdry. i've removed all of the bioballs and replaced them with foam blocks to cut down on the noise. well - it's not working anymore. any suggestions? last night i could hear it...
  7. isistius

    sundial snail erradication help

    i've taken out about 25-30. there are so many of them. grr.......
  8. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    travis- the size of the pipe will determine what size pump you will need. a single 1" diameter will drain at roughly 600gph.
  9. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    hey grubs - i took the tank down last december (2007). i've been using my 54 corner since then, and having a bunch of other issues with that one. sorry no fts.....
  10. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    Originally Posted by scottallert thank you so much for posting this i was about to buy a $150 HOB overflow box. ya me too before i built this. $150 for a plastic box, or $10 in pvc?!?! tough choice there.....
  11. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek its eductors not penductor..... i recently bought a couple of them my self. and there called eductors.... thanks for the clarification grubs
  12. isistius

    sundial snail erradication help

    its a 54g tank
  13. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    do a search for them. it's a attachment for the end of the return pipe. it creates an area of low pressure where the return dumps int to the tank, and the surrounding water (based on physics) will move into the low pressure area. so you get something like a 3-4x increase in flow.
  14. isistius

    sundial snail erradication help

    i looked in the tank last night and there's a total infestation. i'd say 50+ i guess it's time to start plucking them off with tweezers.....
  15. isistius

    sundial snail erradication help

    there are so many of them, and i don't have any other snails...sooooooo.......a wrasse might be a possility. but idk of any fish that eats them.
  16. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    cglover- yes you will get more "flow" that's just simple physics. same pressure with smaller diameter opening will result in more flow. but you can never increase the max putput of the pump. if you wanted to increase the flow you could also use a penductor at the end of the output. salty -...
  17. isistius

    sundial snail erradication help

    or i could just put on my mask and snorkle and use a [hr] gun
  18. isistius

    diy overflow!!!!!!!!! check it out!!!!

    yes. but once it's set, u never have to do anything again. do you have a ball valve immedtiately after the pump on your return line? if not put one there. if you have any on ur drain lines remove them or keep them open. ONLY adjust the ball valve immediately after the return pump. start...
  19. isistius

    sundial snail erradication help

    there has to be a better removal method than that
  20. isistius

    sundial snail erradication help

    i've had my tanks going for almost 3yrs. approximately a year ago, i downsized into my current set up. i have not adden anything to my tank in probably 6 months. i dip everything i put in my tank in a seachem iodine dip. within the last several weeks, i have noticed a sharp decline in...