Search results

  1. wickedpaul

    ID Strange Anemone

    Originally Posted by OleMiss Looks more like sponges. Good or bad?
  2. wickedpaul

    ID Strange Anemone

    I had a small dime sized anemone in the tank. Not sure what type it was. It was pretty so I did not remove it. It disappeared a few weeks back. I noticed these about a week ago. They are about the size of a quarter. Small tentacles, and they look like they have hair on them. There are two...
  3. wickedpaul

    Salinity Issues in Young 30 gallon tall tank.

    Ok, well based on the bubble theory hypothesized within this thread. If I were to take the sample from the upper levels of the tank. Allow it to set in the hydrometer for say half an hour or so, the bubbles should go away and the reading should be correct.
  4. wickedpaul

    Salinity Issues in Young 30 gallon tall tank.

    I am using a hydrometer. People have been using them for decades, they work just fine. I am not talking about just a minor variance. I am talking that the tank water near the sand is right in the good range. The water at the top of the tank is off the scale for salinity.
  5. wickedpaul

    Salinity Issues in Young 30 gallon tall tank.

    I started up a new 30 gallon tall tank which will eventually be a reef tank about two weeks ago. Buying items slowly to get everything I need without going broke all at once. Started the tank with 20 pounds of carribsea live sand, and 20 pounds of aragonite sand. Proper measures of Instant...
  6. wickedpaul

    55 Gallon Tank with 50+ Pounds Live Rock

    Please buy this, I need to move it out so I can move.
  7. wickedpaul

    55 Gallon Tank with 50+ Pounds Live Rock

    New Price of $250.00 for everything.
  8. wickedpaul

    55 Gallon Tank with 50+ Pounds Live Rock

    This tank is local pick up only please. Thanks.
  9. wickedpaul

    55 Gallon Tank with 50+ Pounds Live Rock

    Originally Posted by gregorys where are you at if you are close to me i will take it I am located in Ghent in Norfolk. Right by the scope.
  10. wickedpaul

    55 Gallon Tank with 50+ Pounds Live Rock

    Here are the details of what I am selling as a package. I will not break this up and the price is firm, because it is fair. Please do not email me with offers of less. 55 Gallon All Glass Aquarium 48" 50/50 Light Fixture, suitable for soft coral and anemones. Emperor 400 Filter Jebo PS75 Protein...
  11. wickedpaul

    Trying to identify a creature.

    It is pretty large. I dont know how I have missed it for so long. It is about 3 inches tall, and probably close to 4 inches wide.
  12. wickedpaul

    Trying to identify a creature.

    Cross posted from clownfish and anemone. I just noticed this guy growing along the stem of my Sebae Anemone. I think he is pretty neat looking, but I am not sure where he came from or what he is. Anyone know? Cross posting to corals as well.
  13. wickedpaul

    Trying to identify a creature.

    I just noticed this guy growing along the stem of my Sebae Anemone. I think he is pretty neat looking, but I am not sure where he came from or what he is. Anyone know? Cross posting to corals as well.
  14. wickedpaul

    Aggressive Clowns

    Originally Posted by 27mtaylor That swing in temperature may have been the deciding factor on your clown fish that was already stressed out. Does your lighting heat your water up that much? I used to leave my AC off during the day while I was at work, and my lighting would heat the water up so...
  15. wickedpaul

    Aggressive Clowns

    Originally Posted by 27mtaylor Do you have any other fish in your tank? When I had two clowns in my tank, a percula and a clarki, the clarki would attack the perc. When the perc got tired and stressed the other fish started to nip and pick at him some too. He also eventually died. The tank...
  16. wickedpaul

    Aggressive Clowns

    About a month back, I purchased 2 Sebae Clowns, and a Sebae anemone. One of the clowns instantly got larger then the other one (female/Male). The female was always very aggressive towards the male never letting it near the Anemone, except when the light was off in the tank, then they would...
  17. wickedpaul

    My sump plans, will they work properly

    Originally Posted by fishntx when runing two powerheads like that it is just a disaster waiting to happen. you will have to get both running the same amount gph. if you do manage this down the road the will start to weaken at different rates and the what you got is a big mess to clean up. best...
  18. wickedpaul

    My sump plans, will they work properly

    Originally Posted by Squidd You just answered your own question... Thats not very helpful. Why is it a bad plan? By using the powerheads I can completely control the waterflow speed. Could you be more specific?
  19. wickedpaul

    My sump plans, will they work properly

    I am going to attempt to build a sump for my 55 gallon tank. I will either use a 15 gallon tank that I have or a 20 gallon long tank located inside my stand. I am planning to use a pair of powerheads to run the system rather then a syphon. Please tell me if you see any horrible faults with my...
  20. wickedpaul

    Missing Royal Gramma

    Originally Posted by Pallan she is right he will come out when he feels more comfortable. give it some time then put some food in there will probably draw him out to eat. they can get into some very tight spots and love little caves in the rock You guys were right. I thought for sure it was...