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  1. btuff

    Bubble Tip Anenome Sick?

    Thanks Doglvr!
  2. btuff

    Bubble Tip Anenome Sick?

    Help! My anenome still hasn't chnged after 7 days. It act normal except that its stomach is always out....
  3. btuff

    Free Live Rock

    You don't have to worry about flatworms and live rock until you actually have a running tank to put it in... get to work!
  4. btuff

    Button Polyp Die-Off? Help!

    Here is a Pic. the middle one is closed backwards on itself...
  5. btuff

    Button Polyp Die-Off? Help!

    I have five button polyps and two have collapsed backwards on itself... is this die-off. They usuall close up after they feed, but this time they are closed the opposite way on its stem.
  6. btuff

    Bubble Tip Anenome Sick?

    A friend of mine told me to take the BTA out of the tank before it dies in the tank and crashes the whole tank. I think I should try and wait it out to see if it regulates itself. What should I do?
  7. btuff

    Bubble Tip Anenome questions...

    I have had a BTA in my 30 for three years and it has been very happy until recently... not sure if it's about to split or what...
  8. btuff

    Bubble Tip Anenome Sick?

    Should I try to do a water change? all levels are normal and all other fish and coral seem happy. What do you think. I did a 5 gal. water change 2 weeks ago.
  9. btuff

    Percula And Bubble Tip

    I have had both for two years with no luck-- the clowns instead just found a spot on the LR in the corner of my tank...
  10. btuff


    I had that problem, so I added a Phosphate sponge to my filter and increased water flow with another power head.
  11. btuff

    Bubble Tip Anenome Sick?

    I have a 30 Gallon reef-- 40 lbs of live rock -- colony polyps, mushroom, six line wrasse, cardinal, psseodochromis, and two percula's. Lighting is two 96 watt corallife set up. All the other corals are heathy and growing pretty fast. It has been established for three years... Any help is...
  12. btuff

    Bubble Tip Anenome Sick?

    My BTA is acting weird. His stomach been sticking out for the last four or five days and it hasn't been expanding as it used to. Here is an attachment pic of it. What is up with it? Thanks for any feedback.
  13. btuff

    Advice for New Fish

    I have a 30 Gallon tank and have recently given all my fish away in order to start anew. I know I want a Six Line wrasse, two clowns to host with my BTA (what kind should I get?) and a lawnmower blenny. What else would be a good addition?
  14. btuff

    Schooling Fish

    I have a 30 gallon tank that I want to add four or five small schooling fish to. Other than blue/green chromis, what is a good, relatively small fish to get?
  15. btuff

    Coraline Algae on Glass... Good or Bad?

    I have let the purple coraline algae build nice and thick on the back of my tank. Does this mean that the tank is filtering like the live rock in a beneficial way? Do I ever need to scrape any off?
  16. btuff

    Question about ick

    Are you sure it is Ick? My Tang had what I thought was Ick, but it was lyphcyctosis-- like little warts. I got rid of it by adding Garlic Guard to his frozen food to boost his immune system. It was gone in a week.
  17. btuff

    Tank not thriving

    I have a 30 gallon and had a difficult time with it at first. It is important to keep salinity a little lower.23- .25 and also make sure that you have at least 50-60 lbs of live rock... the more the better. Phosphates? I would think you would have more algae if the phosphates were high. Make...
  18. btuff

    Help green algae on aquarium walls and equipment

    You should have at least 10 turbo snails and I wouls also get a cleaner shrimp. They are fun to watch too!
  19. btuff

    six line wrassling

    could you put two six line wrasses in a tank? Or should I just just get one wrasse and two basslets?
  20. btuff

    Advice for Fish

    so forget about the Anthias. I am going to get a six-line wrasse and maybe two basslet... is this a good idea... any other suggestions?