Bubble Tip Anenome Sick?


New Member
My BTA is acting weird. His stomach been sticking out for the last four or five days and it hasn't been expanding as it used to. Here is an attachment pic of it. What is up with it? Thanks for any feedback.


Active Member
I dont know what it means but my friends did that before it split.... only did it for a day though.


Active Member
Mine did that once before and it went back to normal. But it only lasted about 6 hours that I saw.


New Member
I have a 30 Gallon reef-- 40 lbs of live rock -- colony polyps, mushroom, six line wrasse, cardinal, psseodochromis, and two percula's. Lighting is two 96 watt corallife set up. All the other corals are heathy and growing pretty fast. It has been established for three years... Any help is much appreciated!


New Member
Should I try to do a water change? all levels are normal and all other fish and coral seem happy. What do you think. I did a 5 gal. water change 2 weeks ago.


Active Member
mine does that when he's... pooping...
but it doesn't last that long. with your 30 gallon i'd say you should be doing water changes more often. doing a 5 gallon 2 weeks ago would mean you should have done one already--20% every 2 weeks or 10% every week and all that stuff.


New Member
A friend of mine told me to take the BTA out of the tank before it dies in the tank and crashes the whole tank. I think I should try and wait it out to see if it regulates itself. What should I do?


New Member
Help! My anenome still hasn't chnged after 7 days. It act normal except that its stomach is always out....


Couldn't count how many times I thought about taking my anemone out of the tank figuring it was dying. I was told it
was a Sebae, and it was not healthy when I got it. It would shrivel up for days, refused all the foods I gave it. Now, 6 months later it is a beautiful tan/orange BTA. While I am
not an expert on BTA's, I would not be in a rush to take it out
of the tank. The tentacles don't look like they are "dying" off so give it some more time.