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  1. daitheflu

    Some Updated Pics!!!!!! Of my 30gl.

    Nice tank. Do your damsels ever go after the clowns? I have a similar sized tank but worry about getting clowns because my damsels are pretty big already.
  2. daitheflu

    Georgia People!

    Im in Atlanta. Still fairly new to this so I dont have anything to trade yet but I am looking for some live rock or possibly a decent protein skimmer.
  3. daitheflu

    Rusty Angel for $11.99 - who else???

    I just picked up Rusty Angel 2 days ago for $30 so yeah, you got a deal. Its crazy how the price of fish can vary from place to place, though. The store where I usually go has a certain type of puffer for $30-$40 while another shop not even 3 miles away has the exact same fish for $11.99.
  4. daitheflu

    Water Change Question

    Im also wondering about all of this. I've had a 30 gallon tank running with 3 damsels and one rather larger hermit crab for about a month now...started getting some of that brownish stuff on the glass. I have a few gallons of salt water that I got from my fish store when I first set the tank...
  5. daitheflu

    Does anyone live in Middle Georgia on here?

    Originally Posted by DUGGY P Yeah There Are Some Sites You Can Go On To Order That Live Rock Whatsize Tank? Ordering online doesnt seem to be all that much cheaper than just buying it at one of the stores around here. Plus, you can't see what you're getting before you buy it. Its just a 30g...
  6. daitheflu

    Does anyone live in Middle Georgia on here?

    Atlanta here...but spend most of my free time in Kennesaw. I've only had my tank up for a few weeks so I'm still very new to this. I'd love to see some GA aquariums though...see what you guys have. Oh and I need live rock if anyones in the area. Thanks.
  7. daitheflu

    Hermit Crab Identifications

    Here is my White Spotted Hermit. I've only had it for 2 days and would have never known its exact name if it werent for this thread. I can definitely attest to his cleaning ability, though. This crab loves to eat. Its interesting that they are also known as 'Shell Breakers' because the...