Rusty Angel for $11.99 - who else???


Was labled as a Lyretail Anthias, how, I dont know. Its a hole in the wall lfs, good for only supplies and these type deals. What other deals have you guys gotten on things being labled wrong?? My lights are still out and I havent gotten a good ID on him yet, but its def. more purple in the head, so Im going w/ the Coral.


Active Member
my lfs sells coral beauty's for $12 all the time. i didnt think it was anything special, how much are they usually? the same lfs by me has 50% off corals and fish a lot of times so u can get some nice stuff for like 20-10 $


Active Member
At my LFS a lyretail anthias would cost a more than a CB and either would cost a LOT more than $11.99.


Active Member
$12 for a CORAL BEAUTY thats really cheap, where i live they are sold between $20 - $40 sometimes even a few bucks more


New Member
I just picked up Rusty Angel 2 days ago for $30 so yeah, you got a deal. Its crazy how the price of fish can vary from place to place, though. The store where I usually go has a certain type of puffer for $30-$40 while another shop not even 3 miles away has the exact same fish for $11.99.