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  1. funkincredible

    Huffing puffer

    thanks for the replies, but he was dead when my buddy got home from work yesterday, we had guessed it needed antibiotics but had no way of knowing what to get. There was one other fish in the tank added a few weeks ago but they got along fine. The other fish was a picasso trigger a fraction the...
  2. funkincredible

    Huffing puffer

    I don't know his readings, should be really good though, we just did a 15 gallon water change on the tank, it gets that every month or so, out of the water...not since the move, he sticks his head out of the water sometimes during feeding when we are walking towards the tank. As far as his...
  3. funkincredible

    Huffing puffer

    My friend's Stars and stripes puffer has been doing a weird routine the last 3 day swhere he gets really lathargic, sits on the sandbed or a rock and pants very heavily. There is stilla lot of time when he swims around normal, but the lathargic episodes are becoming more frequent and longer in...
  4. funkincredible

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    I too was once a three year old, but any three year old capable of finding this post on this site definitely has the capability to have been looking at plenty of free [hr] pornography for months, maybe even years or decades... it's just so hard to tell with all the fanagled technology we have...
  5. funkincredible

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    IP refers to your Inter-Personal relationship to your sponge...have you hugged your sponges today....caressed its lusciously sweet branches, or given it a wet, loving kiss in the thrones of passion while you stand [hr] , ankle-deep in your tank while longing to be a fishy swimming amongst the...
  6. funkincredible

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    Mr. Bubbles: I have a business proposal for you. I too live in Los Angeles, and I was thinking we could produce a midget hybrid version of the mega-sponge and sell it to yuppies trying to relive their childhood by getting a new pet. Not just any midget versions though, they're have to perform...
  7. funkincredible

    white on fish's lips

    now my black cap basslet seems to be starting a little white bump thing also, anybody help with identification even?!?
  8. funkincredible

    white on fish's lips

    I just got a flame angel and noticed that he has a white spot on his lip. It actually protrudes away from his natural shape, al;most looks like a little blister, and his lips seem like they have some white on them too, any help with identification and treatment would be great, thatnks a lot...
  9. funkincredible

    My Snail's a streaker!

    It's an Astrea snail, at least that's whatthe other ones are. He does look like the snail in the picture, but I haven't done anything to my tanks for about 4 months or so, and all the other snails have been having a lot of new growth (The new portion of shell is bright white) but the guy I'm...
  10. funkincredible

    My Snail's a streaker!

    I have a snail that seems to have ditched his shell, and now he just cruises around [hr] . He seems happy and he's been like this for almost a week, has anyone ever heard of this? Will he grow anew shell? what gives? -Dustin
  11. funkincredible

    Anglerfish question

    I'm thinking about a wartskin frogfish with a flame angel, and perhaps one more fish, what would you guys recommend for a clean up crew? will the flame angel try to eat snails or hermits or is everything cool? I'm pretty sure the frogfish will leave stuff alone if it's fed enough stuff and they...
  12. funkincredible

    where's the fish?

    Hey guys, I got a baby bursa trigger last weekend. Everything's been good so far except he hasn't been seen for two full days. I got a little worried knowing the little guy has to be hungry, so I thought he got himself trapped somewhere. Last night I moved roughly 90% of my LR trying to find the...
  13. funkincredible


    ok i was wondering if a chocolate chip starfish would be compatible with a zebra dwarf lion and a frogfish. my tank is a 55 'case you didn't know
  14. funkincredible

    Is this a worm or what?

    Last night after I had turned all of my tanks lights off, I decided to turn on the light in my room to watch my urchin truck around. I noticed this little bugger about an inch long going all over my tank swimming very erratically, doing circles to the left right, then zipping acrossed the tank...
  15. funkincredible


    Thanks for all the info, I just added about 40 more lbs. of live rock to set up especially for the frogfish so they have somewhere to hang out Maybe I can do 2 frogs and a dwarf lion. I don't know anything about scorpionfish or leaf fish - how bout a Fu Manchu? But I also heard they aren't very...
  16. funkincredible


    Yeah! I'd like to say I'm tired of people posting the same thing as the person before, es[ecially here in the Aggresive forum. Are they just trying to get posts or what? I mean, it's just human nature to want to be a Titan Trigger. By the way, I had to post this because the irony of the whole...
  17. funkincredible


    Well coconut,I think we're the only two who care about these guys :) I'm getting a wartskin for sure, but since I have a 55, it seems hard to find any compatable fish small enough to be hpappy, so maybe I'll get 3 or 4 anglers/frogfish and let them hang out. I've done some reading, are hermits...
  18. funkincredible

    Angler questions

    I've become very interested in the Wartskin Frogfish, but haven't found a ton of information, so again, any mopre information would be great, Thanks
  19. funkincredible

    Angler questions

    Thanks, I'll work on getting the exact specie name
  20. funkincredible

    Angler questions

    with 25 people reading thins thing, I hope somebody knows something about Anglers.... and if you have a friend who knows anything about them, please post any information possible - Thanks