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  1. funkincredible

    Angler questions

    Does anybody know much about Angler fish? I saw a bunch of them in my lfs last shipment. They're so ugly I want one, they also look all goofy with their little arm and feet-like fins. How large do they get, the lfs guy dais only 6 or 8 inches but they'll eat anything up to 4". Just curious if...
  2. funkincredible

    Do feather dusters move??

    I had a iddy biddy feather duster jump ship from his home when I put my live rock in the tank, but it seems a lot happier now that he moved from the rock to my sand bed. He's growing a lot quicker also.
  3. funkincredible

    Worried!!! Damsel just died!

    there should be some ammonia from the fishies, do you have live rock, and if so, was it already cured? What is the update on the bulgy eye. My guess is that the fish was diseased when you acquired it, and the stress from moving tanks and probably being picked on by the other two stressed him out...
  4. funkincredible


    Dude, I thought you said 200, was it a 300 you looked at? where's the other tank, maybe we can check it out tonight
  5. funkincredible

    cycling question

    I was only planning on getting another couple of large pieces of live rock, about the size of a football. I'm planning on adding another power filter and will have a snowflake and a dwarf lion when I can afford to get the tank completely done.
  6. funkincredible

    cycling question

    ok heres the situation: i have a 55 that i am trying to cycle. i have about 4 inches of sand bed, and maybe like 10-15 lbs of live rock that had already come out of a cycled tank. i have 2 damsles, originally 3 but one died, i just left it in there to help get a spike. Its just not happening...
  7. funkincredible

    Berlin Skimmer in sump

    ok yeah, its outside the sump.
  8. funkincredible

    Berlin Skimmer in sump

    hey its Pat, im just at Funk's house, so what i did was it has like a little plug at the bottom of the cup, i dont know if it an option, or just made that way, but i have it, so i used it. It also comes with a drain line out of the cup, so i just have it draining into a milk jug. works for me...
  9. funkincredible

    which lion do I buy?

    Okay, so a dwarf i tis. I've heard of fuzzy dwarfs and turkey dwarfs, anybody have anythign to say about them?
  10. funkincredible

    which lion do I buy?

    I have a 55g tank that will soon be the home of a tiny snowflake and a lionfish. I'm deciding between a dwarf and a fu manchu, but I don't know how big the fu manchu will get, and I don't want unhappy fish. I've heard that dwarves are plenty hardy, but disagreements on the fu manchu. Also, is...
  11. funkincredible

    hermit goin' hungry?

    Thanks for the posts, now I have a few damsels to create waste and the tank started an algae bloom the day after the post, so the hermit's in paradise, I also tossed in a bunch of shells from Hawaii andhe loves to swap them all the time. Pretty funny actually, he'll get in a big ol' shell and...
  12. funkincredible

    hermit goin' hungry?

    that's great, except there's no fish, that's why I wrote the post
  13. funkincredible

    hermit goin' hungry?

    I have a hermit crab and about 4 little turbo snails in my 50g tank with about 10-15 lbs. live rock. I have tons of coraline growth, but I dunno if the hermit needs more to eat, he's always picking at teh roch but is he getting enough? Also, without any ammonia source, what would be beneficial...
  14. funkincredible

    boiling shells to put in my tank - have a ?

    thanks mr. salty, you's da greatest... any chance I could test drive a hovercraft?!? -Dustin p.s. you get a free six pack for my test drive your pick- bud light or coors light
  15. funkincredible

    boiling shells to put in my tank - have a ?

    How long should shells be boiled to ensure they are sterile, should I just bring the water to a boil or is there a rule of thumbs concernign how long to boil them? thanks
  16. funkincredible

    For those who have ever gone diving in a reef....

    Go to Maui, I just got back a couple of weeks ago and it was my third time there. There's nothing more incrdible than swimming watching sea turtles and stuff, and therre's plenty of places you can go straight in off the shore into the water with reef starting in about 2 foot of water, it's...
  17. funkincredible

    Advice on first aggressive tank

    I have a 50g tank that I was thinking about putting about 40lb lr in and a baby clown trigger. I've read a lot about the fact that aggressive set-ups are normally in larger tanks, but could a clown be happy in a 50 when he's done growing? If so, what tank mates would be recommended to stay out...
  18. funkincredible

    live rock types

    i was wondering what are the advantages/disadvantages of the different types of live rock that are on the market at different prices as well. is there a major difference in rock, or organisms on rocks such as vanuatu, marshall island, fiji, or somoan, or are they more or less the same, just...
  19. funkincredible

    power compact kits

    sorry, I didn't know I couldn't put the other names up, I didn't know you can order hardware and stuff from this site
  20. funkincredible

    power compact kits

    sorry, I didn't know I couldn't put the other names up, I didn't know you can order hardware and stuff from this site