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  1. matosc88

    Niger Trigger

    Yepp we have a blue and yellow tang in the same tang....why?
  2. matosc88

    Niger Trigger

    The tank is 55 im defintely worried about my poor inverts!! Carmen
  3. matosc88

    Niger Trigger

    Hello, I just wanted to know if anyone knows much about a Niger trigger. I have a clown fish, a blue tang, a yellow tank, a purple pseudochrome, a spiny purple lobster, and a chocolate chip star fish. I just wanted to know if i should worry about him harming any of these guys especially the...
  4. matosc88

    Worm looking things

    Hi! I just was wondering if anyone knew what these worm looking things i just noticed in my tank are. The lights were off and we came home and i saw what looks like larva in my tank swimming around quite rapidly. I spotted about 5 or 6 of them and they were about a mm or two big. I am curious...
  5. matosc88

    Any nice puffers out there?

    Hola, Was wondering if anyone knew if there were any puffers out there that wont hurt inverts or fish. My list of animals is a clown fish, blue tang, yellow tang(mean fish that he is), purple pseudochrome, purple lobster, and a chocolate chip starfish. Thanks for helping me out:) :happyfish...
  6. matosc88

    If anyone that is on now knows anything about valentini puffers please reply!

    Hello, I put up a post earlier about a valentini puffer and just wanted to know if anyone knows if it would be safe with a blue tang, yellow tang, purple pseudochrome, clown fish, chocolate chip starfish, and a purple lobster. My biggest concern are the inverts since i have read it will eat...
  7. matosc88

    Everyone Must Post! Let's see them all!

    Hello, I have a 55 gallon tank with a clown fish, blue tang, yellow tang with major attitude, purple pseudochrome, purple lobster, and a chocolate chip starfish. Would have a lot more if we didn't lose so many along the way and if the yellow tang didn't beat the crap out of new fish. Carmen
  8. matosc88

    Valentini puffers

    Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knew if a valentini puffer will hurt any of these animal in my fish tank. I have a clown fish, a pseudochrome, a yellow tang who as massive attitude, a blue tang, a purple lobster, and a chocolate chip star fish. Thanks! :happyfish Carmen