Niger Trigger


New Member
I just wanted to know if anyone knows much about a Niger trigger. I have a clown fish, a blue tang, a yellow tank, a purple pseudochrome, a spiny purple lobster, and a chocolate chip star fish. I just wanted to know if i should worry about him harming any of these guys especially the inverts. Thanks!!


Active Member
Nigers are fairly unpredictable and can exhibit a wide range of behaviors when they mature. I would worry about the lobster and possibly the star, as well as any of your smaller fish. What size tank is this?


Nigers being planktivors generally don't eat hard shelled crustaceans, but I'm not saying they won't; they are a triggerfish. I've had emerald crabs un-touched, but hermits have been caught looking for a shell upgrade. Usually by my Hummu first, and the Niger joins in. Their jaw/tooth design doesn't enable them to be proficient invert killers; un-like Hummu's, Undy's, Queens etc...With large gapped fangs and tiny teeth inbetween; these guys prefer to bomb around the tank injesting bite sized mysis. Anytime I feed large mussel's or clam he has a hard time ripping it apart. You are aware these fish get big, and a 180GL tank will be needed? Usually they obtain 12-15" in length and get "thick"; some even reach 20" with streamers. You'll want to keep that lobster well fed; they've been known to go fishing ing the night


It will go after inverts.
It's a VERY awesome fish.
The only downside in my opinion is that it HIDES a lot.
Most triggers hide anyway....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
Nigers being planktivors generally don't eat hard shelled crustaceans, but I'm not saying they won't; they are a triggerfish. I've had emerald crabs un-touched, but hermits have been caught looking for a shell upgrade. Usually by my Hummu first, and the Niger joins in. Their jaw/tooth design doesn't enable them to be proficient invert killers; un-like Hummu's, Undy's, Queens etc...With large gapped fangs and tiny teeth inbetween; these guys prefer to bomb around the tank injesting bite sized mysis. Anytime I feed large mussel's or clam he has a hard time ripping it apart. You are aware these fish get big, and a 180GL tank will be needed? Usually they obtain 12-15" in length and get "thick"; some even reach 20" with streamers. You'll want to keep that lobster well fed; they've been known to go fishing ing the night

Also, I have never seen a triggerfish hide much except when they are first introduced to the tank. My trigger doesn't mess with the inverts, he is well fed and has plenty of rubble rock to chew on and play with. I taught him to fetch. I pick up a small rock and drop it somewhere in the tank and he gets it and puts it in the corner every time and then I give him a treat, usually one krill and he loves it.
I believe triggers need to have their minds stimulated as they are very smart fish and can be trained. If you don't then they can get weird kind of a like a dog that is penned up in a small yard all day and never gets taken on a walk or gets much attention. If a dog doesn't get that attention he craves then he can get violent or just plain wierd like starts digging or chewing up stuff.


Originally Posted by matosc88
a chocolate chip star fish. I just wanted to know if i should worry about him harming any of these guys especially the inverts. Thanks!!
Well I believe I can speak well on this topic. We have a niger Tigger which we have had for about a year. He was fine when we got him, but later he decided he wanted to take control of the tank. I personally watched him take apart 2 sand sifter stars. He has attacked numerous other fish in the tank. He seems to want everyone to know he is in control. He also is a food hog!! If you have any fish that are shy eaters prepare for their death. They wont be able to get any food if the trigger gets in there. All triggers are very different. Some may be fine. If you are determined to get one try to find on atleast as small as your smallest fish or close!! Also our trigger is always picking up snails, and hermits and throwing them into the rocks. Out yellow tang has had numerous chunks taken from his fins. He is a trooper though b/c he always grows back.
Well good luck! They are definatly exciting fish!! More of a preditor kind of fish though!


My niger trigger actually ripped a snail right out of its shell last year.
Good luck!

PS. I watched it happen.


Active Member
Holy Overstock Batman :scared:
With that being said...I agree with another post...I had a Humu and a Niger...
The Humu would eat a cleanup crew quickly...the niger I never had a problem with...He was also fine with my CCS..but all triggers are different..


my niger hides all the time, i have had him for a couple months now and never see him. i wander if he is dead untill feeding time. When he is hungry he comes out snags a piece of food and is back into hiding. kind of a bummer.


Originally Posted by matosc88
Yepp we have a blue and yellow tang in the same tang....why?
I hope for the sake of your tangs that you'll put them in a much bigger tank (6ft tank ideally). That tank is already too small for one tang let alone two tangs and a trigger.