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  1. jbyrd

    iowa- Tank break down! must go now!

    Where at in Iowa, what size of tank is the filter for. I want to set up a QT and it would work great!!! If you had to ship what would it be to 61252. I hope I could come and get it. Let me know.
  2. jbyrd

    Tag with Thin White Film coming off

    My water parameters are good. I checked before I went to LFS and brought water sample too and it was same there, I brought water there Because my last yellow eye died so I got a credit for him. My tank has been set up for 6 months, (ProClear Pro 75 wet/dry, 80 lbs LR)
  3. jbyrd

    Tag with Thin White Film coming off

    I got a Yellow Eye Tang in my 75 gal reef with a snowflake eel and scooter blenny. My eel and blenny have been tank mates for awhile now with no problems. I have some mushrooms, zoos, cup, and leather coral in this tank. I just got the yellow eye and the next day he got this. It looks like...
  4. jbyrd


    Good luck treating them for the ich with the other inverts in with them. I've lost everything twice now do to ich. I tried a Reef Safe product once and all it did was kill my fish faster I think. Everyone here says QT is the best way and perform a Hypo. I like what LazyPinoy says thought...
  5. jbyrd

    Got some questions please help!!

    What kind of filter would you recommend I get for the 55? Do I leave this tank empty i.e. no substrate?
  6. jbyrd

    Got some questions please help!!

    Also couldn't I leave my main tank empty for 6 weeks and QT any new fish first?
  7. jbyrd

    Got some questions please help!!

    The 6 fish is hypothetical just a senario, But I do have 2 shrimp, snails, crabs, and 75lbs LR with a few coral. So what do I do with the coral? How long do I leave the rock and inverts in the rubbermaid? What kind of filter, just a regular carbon filter? I do have a 30 gal. with 3 (5")...
  8. jbyrd

    Got some questions please help!!

    Originally Posted by Beth JB, lion is correct. The quick fix products just do not have a good track record. There is info in the FAQ Thread on QTs. I find a 20L will take care of most situations, as long as only one fish at a time goes into the QT and no really large fish goes in. Ok then...
  9. jbyrd

    Got some questions please help!!

    O.K. Fine, what size of quarantine tank would you recommend I get? What kind of filtration (Bio-Wheel) be suffice? No Substrate? Leave my 75gal empty for 6 weeks except for the L.R. shrimp, snails, and blue-leg crabs? I also check my water today being I lost my Yellow Eye the yesterday (no...
  10. jbyrd

    Got some questions please help!!

    9 weeks ago my tank had a case of the notorious ICK. I waited to long to find a medicaton being I have a reef tank. My LFS had some RxP (pepper based) that was reef safe. Needless to say it was to late for the fish. Only used acouple of treatments and followed directions to a T. I did some...
  11. jbyrd

    65w PowerCompact 2' fixture w/ 50/50 light

    P.S. you can email me if you like
  12. jbyrd

    65w PowerCompact 2' fixture w/ 50/50 light

    One more question what is the dimensions of the light. Right now I have a 260w fixture under my canopy. I would like to add this on one side of my 75 gal. And if it all works out I will get this light for the $35 light/shipping. How will it ship (provider). Let me know also how to pay. Thanks. J
  13. jbyrd

    65w PowerCompact 2' fixture w/ 50/50 light

    I'm intersested in this light. Let me know what shipping would be to 61252. Also, is this light in a working condition?
  14. jbyrd

    WTB in Midstate Illinois

    I live in Fulton, Il north of the QC area. I have been literaly all over the place. La Salle Peru, QC, Dubuque IA, everywhere in between. AQUATIC is by far the BEST store I have ever been to. IF they don't have it they will get it, you ask it they answere it, you want fish they ask what you...
  15. jbyrd

    Some Pics of my 3 month old 75 gal.

    All of my tangs get along great!!! The one fish I have a problem with is my Domino, he likes to chase my chromis and clowns to the corner. Does anyone near want a Domino, he is a great fish for beginners, he is good size too. Also how does everyone go about the ick thing in you tanks???
  16. jbyrd

    Some Pics of my 3 month old 75 gal.

    Here are some pictures of my 75gal. I use a Proclear Pro75 filter. Light is a 265 watt PC Tank Mates Included 1 Yellow Tang 1 Blue Atlantic Tang 1 Blue Hippo Tang 2 Perc. Clowns 1 Domino Damsel 5 Green Chromis 1 FireFish Goby 1 Snowflake Eel 1 Peppermint Shrimp 1 Cleaner Shrimp Various Snails...
  17. jbyrd

    Please Help with Hair Algae

    I use polyOx in my 75gal. I had a red hair alge problem. With this it has taken acouple of weeks at 21 drops/twice a day (3 drops/gallon) but all of it is almost gone very little left. I think there is another product called ChemClean that works fast but cost more. These are safe for reef tanks!!
  18. jbyrd

    Complete 125rr For sale in IOWA

    Hey Tony, just wanted to let you know the move went well so far. He is getting along good w/ my yellow tang and its eating well!!!!
  19. jbyrd

    Stuff for sale

    If you want to sell 4 bulbs let me know I am very intersested in them!!!! email me Also let me know what shipping to 61252 would be. Not that it matters really...Also are they square pin or straight pin?
  20. jbyrd

    Complete 125rr For sale in IOWA

    I want to get some sand too!!