Tag with Thin White Film coming off


I got a Yellow Eye Tang in my 75 gal reef with a snowflake eel and scooter blenny. My eel and blenny have been tank mates for awhile now with no problems. I have some mushrooms, zoos, cup, and leather coral in this tank. I just got the yellow eye and the next day he got this. It looks like he has a thin layer of film on him almost looks like our skin when we get sunburned peeling off of him. It started by his mouth and has now extended past his gills. I accilimated him for 4 hours. Placed in tank last night took off good was eating alge on the rocks and now like this less than 24 hours with no appetite and labored breathing. :help: What is wrong with him? I have tried to find out by looking up fish diseases with this disciption but no luck. Please Help!!!!!!


My water parameters are good. I checked before I went to LFS and brought water sample too and it was same there, I brought water there Because my last yellow eye died so I got a credit for him. My tank has been set up for 6 months, (ProClear Pro 75 wet/dry, 80 lbs LR)



Staff member
Perhaps brooklynella. Try the formalin bathes that are described in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.