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  1. saltnewbee

    SeaClone 100

    correfe is that box made for that skimmer?
  2. saltnewbee

    SeaClone 100

    i had to turn my seaclone off. it might work but the bubbles were killing my sponges. now you guys got me thinking. thanks
  3. saltnewbee

    Protein Skimmers

    oh well, i have to ask. does any one own a seaclone?
  4. saltnewbee


    yup. im going to have to grab a test kit before i add. thanks for the info. always a big :help: as usual.
  5. saltnewbee


    Read on one thread about adding iodine. then asked my lfs who says i don't need it and they don't use it. i trust you guys more than him. then read something about excess iodine causing cleaner shrimp to molt prematurly and lower life expectancy. i have a 55 gal trying to get it ready for...
  6. saltnewbee

    Recommend an angelfish.

    I just had to take my eibli angel back to the pet store. he was attacking my snails.
  7. saltnewbee

    red striped angel

    55 gal, alot of lr. hes been eating fine but hes the biggest fish in the tank. he is a nice looking fish but can't have him beating on my clean up crew.
  8. saltnewbee

    red striped angel

    Do any of you guys have a red striped angel aka eibli angel. got one last week and he was fine now hes going after other fish and picking at my snails. only have a pink tip anemone so far, he doesn't bother that but nervious what he might do when i do get other things like coral? thinking about...
  9. saltnewbee

    Cant seem to keep shrimp

    Originally Posted by dfox I am no expert, and you probably already thought of this, but here's a couple thoughts. Do your shrimps ever molt? If not, have you been supplementing Iodine? Also, what are your calcium levels? About a month after cycling completed, I added a peppermint shrimp...
  10. saltnewbee

    How often should shrimp moult?

    ok, thanks. does anyone know what cleaner wasses eat?
  11. saltnewbee

    How often should shrimp moult?

    thinking of getting one tomorrow. what do these guys eat?
  12. saltnewbee

    Salinity 1.020

    like you guys i was told the same, so i lowered it to 1.018 and my snails haven't moved since
  13. saltnewbee

    Angle in a 30 galloin tank?

    seen a coral beauty in the store. they say he doesn't get to big and has nice colors.
  14. saltnewbee

    How effective is Rid Ich

    no expert on the subject but i think copper kills snails.
  15. saltnewbee

    worm on glass

    ok. cycle is almost over, didn't want to hurt the little guys but thankfully everyone is doing fine. seen so many posts about ick i didn't want to chance it. thanks for the reply Beth.
  16. saltnewbee

    worm on glass

    still cycling tank with damsels. now i've seen a little worm on glass. haven't seen any ohers. does anyone know what this is?
  17. saltnewbee

    i think i have ich

    still cycling tank with damsels. seen little worm on glass, does anyone know what this is?
  18. saltnewbee

    T-5 lights?

    man thats nice. seeing pics like that makes me think real hard about it. being this is my first saltwater adventure everyone is telling me to just do fish and lr but im buying the best of everything just incase. i would love to own something that looks like that
  19. saltnewbee

    T-5 lights?

    you doing fish and lr or coral?
  20. saltnewbee

    T-5 lights?

    don't think i can take that noise all night. the tank is in my beedroom. i guess ill be lightless at night. thanks for reasponding also. just set up my tank two days ago and can't wait to get fish