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  1. mrchinky71

    Fish not eating is this normal?

    Originally Posted by 120reefer Wouldn't really change a thing. As long as your parameters are all excellent, and isn't being bothered by anyone/isn't stressed, i see no reason for it not to eat. Just keep on tryin a few times a day, and im sure it'll eat sooner or later. Takes time to adjust...
  2. mrchinky71

    Fish not eating is this normal?

    Originally Posted by 120reefer Some fish don't eat for days... what have you tried so far? I feed my fish a variety of foods a day. From Mysis shrimp, to Frozen Fish food, to a Bio Pure variety mixxed made up of krill, squid, clam, muscles, and other stuff. I also feed my clown Formula 2...
  3. mrchinky71

    Fish not eating is this normal?

    I just got a new clown fish on saturday night. It's now monday, my new clown fish hasn't been eating anything at all. Is this okay? Do they normally not eat for a couple days? My other clown fish ate the same day i put him in the tank.
  4. mrchinky71

    Cob web like substance hanging from fish

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Can you post a picture of this? Did you check out the disease pics posted above and see if it resembles any of them?? Did the clownfish eat like normal? yeah none of the disease in the disease thread resembled it. It just looks like a piece of coeb is sticking...
  5. mrchinky71

    Cob web like substance hanging from fish

    I just fed my clownfish today and theres this cob web like substance hanging from the bottom fins of the fish. What is it? is it some sort of disease?
  6. mrchinky71

    wrasse question

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox What about a banana wrasse? do you have a pic? i never seen that. nvm, i found a pic, its aggressive though? it will eat my clown fish?
  7. mrchinky71

    wrasse question

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox many, the sixline is my favorite! many wrasses can be kept in 20 gallons though. most of the pretty wrasses i've seen says they need atleast 80 gallons. I don't particularly like the sixline, i like the red coris, or the red velvet wrasses. The flasher wrasse i...
  8. mrchinky71

    wrasse question

    are there any beautiful wrasses that i can keep in my 30Gallon tank? i saw the red coris is a beautiful wrasse!
  9. mrchinky71

    fish that cant get ich

    hmmm clowns can get ich! any fish without a thick mucus membrane covering their bodies can get ich.
  10. mrchinky71

    Can Ich Switch sides?

    its normal for ich to completely disappear and have no traces and reappear within a week? i thought with ich the dots become more spread out?
  11. mrchinky71

    Can Ich Switch sides?

    well a couple of weeks ago my clownfish had a white dot on its right side, infront of the gill, not on the gills, well that dot is gone but now theres another dot on the opposite side. Is it normal for ich to disappear and reappear on the otherside?
  12. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    its driving me nuts, i wanna help my fish out. I dont' want him to die or anything. He seemed to beating a lil less today, yesterday his appetite came back and he ate like a pig today he just took a few bites.
  13. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    Okay i just looked at him today, the white bump seems to be sticking out more today, yesterday it was just like a small groove aglong his body like this " ( " now it looks like its sticking out alot more like this " < " :(
  14. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz If this fish had "lice", you would see it moving, as fish lice are isopods that attach to fish. These would need to be physically removed via tweezers or foreceps. If you do not see it moving on the fish, it is probably not lice or isopods. I would not take any...
  15. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    does fish lice look like it burrows into the fish's skin? if it is fish lice how did i get it? and how do i treat it?
  16. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian I don't know about the firefish, is this thing a clearish white? yes it looks like a clearish/greyish white. My fish is eating alot though. He's quite hungry.
  17. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Is it moving? Does it appear attatched to the gills? its actually not attached to the gills but infront of the gills, about 2-3 centimeters infront of the gills. It seems to not be moving. My Firefish doesn't have any dots on him from what i can see at different...
  18. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    another pic this one is decent
  19. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    I will have to look more to see if the dot is moving, but it doesn't look cottony, the color looks sort of like a clear whitish color. sorry these are the best i can get from my crappy camera.
  20. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz That does not appear to be ich. Can you post any more pictures possibly? Is this fish still eating? How long have you had the fish? i'll try to get some more clear shots. The area where the white dot is, it looks like the white dot is digging into the fish's...