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  1. mrchinky71

    Does Ich look like its diggin into the skin?

    Okay I just recently saw my clown fish, it came out from hiding in the rocks for a few days. I noticed this lil milky white dot on the left side. It looked like part of it was in the fish's skin. I've attached a picture of the white dot here we go! please let me know what you guys think it is.
  2. mrchinky71

    How to Tell if firefish has ich?

    Well I just saw my firefish dove into the sand. I don't know if it was trying to get a piece of food ir scratching itself. How can i tell if my firefish has ich? It's body is white so i can't see any white spots near the gils. My clownfish is sharing the same tank and it seems perfectly fine...
  3. mrchinky71

    Best way to Lower Nitrite?

    k, time for a 5 gallon change on tuesday and another 5 gallon on saturday xD
  4. mrchinky71

    Best way to Lower Nitrite?

    Originally Posted by djevack water changes ever few days (10%). To keep them down, make sure u have enough lr and ls. also see if your overstocked on fish and dont have enough filtration. nah im just accidently overfeeding, because my clown for the past 2 days haven't been eating as much as...
  5. mrchinky71

    Best way to Lower Nitrite?

    my Nitrite is high right now. from accidental overfeeding. My clownfish has begun to eat less lately and now theres alot of uneaten food and its making my nitrites high. How do i lower it as soon as possible? water changes? I just did a 10%(3 gallon) should i do another one within a few days...
  6. mrchinky71

    What is my clown doing?!

    Originally Posted by Mikeyjer Since it's only a 29, a few maxi 500-600 would work just fine. Have at least one of the maxi pointed to the surface. No, leave the air valve shut, bubbles can cause a lot of problems especially in reef tanks.... :happyfish mine isn't a reef tank yet. Only fish...
  7. mrchinky71

    What is my clown doing?!

    Originally Posted by Mikeyjer What size tank is it?? I would go with maxi-jets!!! Have a couple of'em pointing towards the surface for aggitation.... :happyfish my tank is a 29 gallon. FOWLR right now. I just recently order a Jebo MH unit to hope keep some corals and other inverts later...
  8. mrchinky71

    What is my clown doing?!

    Originally Posted by 120reefer I agree totally. Seems like its gasping for air. I would say you probably just don't have enough surface aggitation, so theres bad O2 exchange.... and Nofish, and Chinky... I'll put money on it that the reason for your PH being so low was due to the lack of O2...
  9. mrchinky71

    What is my clown doing?!

    well last time the pH was at a dangerously low level 7.6 but this was before i added any fish. I've also used a pH buffer. To raise the pH slowly. Since then i've done 2 water changes and added the pH buffer twice. I will test my waters tomorrow to see whats the pH at. I just hope nothing is...
  10. mrchinky71

    What is my clown doing?!

    okay after my clown seemed to have gotten better it just totally stopped eating today! It wouldn't eat any of the mysis shrimp with garlic like it would use to. Also its acting straight its head is pointing up and its at the top of the water where it would occasionally dip its mouth out of the...
  11. mrchinky71

    Top half of clown becoming darker?

    okay nvm. i found out why he had that open sore. Its from him feeding. I fed him flakes just now soaked in garlic and the flakes sinked right to the bottom on the sand bed. He dove down to eat the flakes and scratched the bottom part of his jaw. But still whats causing him to become darker?
  12. mrchinky71

    Soaking food in Garlic?

    Originally Posted by Arandacole Can someone explain this to me a bit? I feed either flake ( a mixture of formula 1 and 2) or frozen brine shrimp. In my mind.. soaking food would require that the food be big enough to soak (in my mind I'm thinking marinate the food - silly, I know) How do you...
  13. mrchinky71

    Top half of clown becoming darker?

    well heres the best pic i can get of him he seems to be getting more active though, today he didn't really hang around the filter intake pipe.
  14. mrchinky71

    Top half of clown becoming darker?

    Originally Posted by Beth Can you post a picture? K i will try to get a good picture of him.
  15. mrchinky71

    Top half of clown becoming darker?

    Originally Posted by arsen_36 how big is it? how long have you had it? hes about an inch an a half long now. I've had him for about 2 weeks now. His open sore healed completely, hes not so active anymore kinda hovers in place for a bit then swims around and hovers more. Hes the only fish in...
  16. mrchinky71

    Top half of clown becoming darker?

    Originally Posted by ImUrNamine Do you know what type he is? Is he a Percula, Clarkii, or do you know...? I have two Clarkii clowns and on my larger one, her top half is darker. I think it's natural, but I'm new at this. I just thought I'd let you know that I'm going through it, too. It...
  17. mrchinky71

    help starting 30gal salt tank

    Originally Posted by jackhammel wat do u do to start like do u. just pour salt and water in first off welcome to the board. Read around there is lots of beneficial information here. You put water in the tank first, then you add power heads, and a filter turn them on then you begin pouring salt...
  18. mrchinky71

    Top half of clown becoming darker?

    Hey there, a couple days ago my clown fish had what looked like an open sore on the bottom of its mouth. After a water change and some vitamin + garlic loaded feeding the sore healed, but now the top half of my clown fish has gotten quite darker. Is this normal? it Looks sort of like almost...
  19. mrchinky71

    Lighting questions

    Originally Posted by Bojik Coralife Aqualight anyone tried out those low cost fixtrues? http://www.**************.com/Produc...&N=2004+113345 Theres an exampe of one. Would the 24 inch one listed there cook a 20L? Looking for good lighting at a low price. And i know little about PC type. The...
  20. mrchinky71

    Lighting question

    Originally Posted by SCSInet It's best not to ask about a site's reputation AFTER you do business with them. :thinking: With that halide unit you should be able to keep about anything. Steve's tank is the exception, not the rule, but nonetheless a dream we all have. I really like the...