Top half of clown becoming darker?


Hey there, a couple days ago my clown fish had what looked like an open sore on the bottom of its mouth. After a water change and some vitamin + garlic loaded feeding the sore healed, but now the top half of my clown fish has gotten quite darker. Is this normal? it Looks sort of like almost black now.


Active Member
Do you know what type he is? Is he a Percula, Clarkii, or do you know...?
I have two Clarkii clowns and on my larger one, her top half is darker. I think it's natural, but I'm new at this. I just thought I'd let you know that I'm going through it, too. It isn't like... black, but its an orange brown. My smaller Clarkii doesn't have it at all.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Do you know what type he is? Is he a Percula, Clarkii, or do you know...?
I have two Clarkii clowns and on my larger one, her top half is darker. I think it's natural, but I'm new at this. I just thought I'd let you know that I'm going through it, too. It isn't like... black, but its an orange brown. My smaller Clarkii doesn't have it at all.

its an occellaris, its puzzling me, my clown seems really healthy now. heats like a pig. Yeah its like orange brownish. It just happened slowly.


Active Member
Hmm... Well as long as he's eating, right? Surely he is fine.
Perhaps it's just an aging process? I wish I knew more, but hey, that's why I'm here!


Originally Posted by arsen_36
how big is it? how long have you had it?

hes about an inch an a half long now. I've had him for about 2 weeks now. His open sore healed completely, hes not so active anymore kinda hovers in place for a bit then swims around and hovers more. Hes the only fish in the tank. You think he might be getting lonely? He eats very well, he seems to only eat mysis shrimp now and will not touch formula 2 flakes. anything else good that i can feed him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrchinky71
hes about an inch an a half long now. I've had him for about 2 weeks now. His open sore healed completely, hes not so active anymore kinda hovers in place for a bit then swims around and hovers more. Hes the only fish in the tank. You think he might be getting lonely? He eats very well, he seems to only eat mysis shrimp now and will not touch formula 2 flakes. anything else good that i can feed him?

I know that when my Clarkii was alone, he was VERY lonely. I got him a playmate (they're my babies, look at my picture on my avatar!) and he's so happy now. I feed my Clarkiis 'TetraMarine Saltwater Flakes' in the morning, and Formula One Frozen fish food at night. I hear that it's particularly good for Clowns; they REALLY like it. Both of mine gobble it up like it's going out of style! You might want to try that; I got mine at *****. Good luck!


well heres the best pic i can get of him

he seems to be getting more active though, today he didn't really hang around the filter intake pipe.


okay nvm. i found out why he had that open sore. Its from him feeding. I fed him flakes just now soaked in garlic and the flakes sinked right to the bottom on the sand bed. He dove down to eat the flakes and scratched the bottom part of his jaw. But still whats causing him to become darker?