What is my clown doing?!


okay after my clown seemed to have gotten better it just totally stopped eating today! It wouldn't eat any of the mysis shrimp with garlic like it would use to. Also its acting straight its head is pointing up and its at the top of the water where it would occasionally dip its mouth out of the top of the water every few seconds. Could be this mean there is something wrong?


Did you check your levels? I noticed one of my fish doing the same thing one time and I found out my ph was really low. If you've checked them, what are they?


well last time the pH was at a dangerously low level 7.6 but this was before i added any fish. I've also used a pH buffer. To raise the pH slowly. Since then i've done 2 water changes and added the pH buffer twice. I will test my waters tomorrow to see whats the pH at. I just hope nothing is wrong and its weird cause it looks like the fish is dipping its mouth up to the top of water to eat something.


Yah, that's exactly what mine was doing. I added the ph buffer and it really seemed to help. Keep us updated! Best of luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrchinky71
well last time the pH was at a dangerously low level 7.6 but this was before i added any fish. I've also used a pH buffer. To raise the pH slowly. Since then i've done 2 water changes and added the pH buffer twice. I will test my waters tomorrow to see whats the pH at. I just hope nothing is wrong and its weird cause it looks like the fish is dipping its mouth up to the top of water to eat something.
Best to check your levels, do you have any powerheads? It seems like it's gasping for air..... :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
Best to check your levels, do you have any powerheads? It seems like it's gasping for air..... :happyfish
I agree totally. Seems like its gasping for air. I would say you probably just don't have enough surface aggitation, so theres bad O2 exchange.... and Nofish, and Chinky... I'll put money on it that the reason for your PH being so low was due to the lack of O2 exchange
That's why you see a lot of guys running glass tops have problems with PH, and alk... bad oxygen exchange. I'm sure with more aggitation and some water changes your parameters would have gradually went back to normal


Make sense to me! I have glass tops (but they are always open.. but still...) and about a few months ago, I got some stronger powerheads. I arranged them to create a more rippling affect on the water's surface. Since then I haven't had a ph problem.. interesting!


Originally Posted by 120reefer
I agree totally. Seems like its gasping for air. I would say you probably just don't have enough surface aggitation, so theres bad O2 exchange.... and Nofish, and Chinky... I'll put money on it that the reason for your PH being so low was due to the lack of O2 exchange
That's why you see a lot of guys running glass tops have problems with PH, and alk... bad oxygen exchange. I'm sure with more aggitation and some water changes your parameters would have gradually went back to normal

Cool thanks! well my powerhead has an air intake valve which is currently closed right now. I have 2 Power heads a maxijet and a Rio pump/powerhead. my total GPH with my bio wheel filter is 320GPH. Should i open the valve on the maxijet to allow air and bubbles in the tank for now? Im going to the fish store to have my water levels checked and i will probably buy a more powerful power head to replace the RIo as its only the Rio 50 and is only rated at like 60GPH? :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrchinky71
Cool thanks! well my powerhead has an air intake valve which is currently closed right now. I have 2 Power heads a maxijet and a Rio pump/powerhead. my total GPH with my bio wheel filter is 320GPH. Should i open the valve on the maxijet to allow air and bubbles in the tank for now? Im going to the fish store to have my water levels checked and i will probably buy a more powerful power head to replace the RIo as its only the Rio 50 and is only rated at like 60GPH? :p
What size tank is it?? I would go with maxi-jets!!! Have a couple of'em pointing towards the surface for aggitation.... :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
What size tank is it?? I would go with maxi-jets!!! Have a couple of'em pointing towards the surface for aggitation.... :happyfish

my tank is a 29 gallon. FOWLR right now. I just recently order a Jebo MH unit to hope keep some corals and other inverts later on. I have 1 maxijet and i like it! its a big PH and pretty strong im gonna get another one to replace the rios, i will then use the rios to do water changes and acclimation. My question is it okay to open the air valve on the maxijet to have air/bubbles in the tank since you guys are saying my tank has a bad O2 exchange right now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrchinky71
my tank is a 29 gallon. FOWLR right now. I just recently order a Jebo MH unit to hope keep some corals and other inverts later on. I have 1 maxijet and i like it! its a big PH and pretty strong im gonna get another one to replace the rios, i will then use the rios to do water changes and acclimation. My question is it okay to open the air valve on the maxijet to have air/bubbles in the tank since you guys are saying my tank has a bad O2 exchange right now?
Since it's only a 29, a few maxi 500-600 would work just fine. Have at least one of the maxi pointed to the surface. No, leave the air valve shut, bubbles can cause a lot of problems especially in reef tanks.... :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
Since it's only a 29, a few maxi 500-600 would work just fine. Have at least one of the maxi pointed to the surface. No, leave the air valve shut, bubbles can cause a lot of problems especially in reef tanks.... :happyfish

mine isn't a reef tank yet. Only fish with rocks no inverts or anything right now. infact only 1 clown fish. Yeah right now I have 1 Maxi Jet 600, pointed to top at the top to the right rear of the tank. The Rio 50 is also pointed to top at the top front left of the tank. Should i point the rio down? Or is it fine where its at? Im just worried my clown fish my die from suffocation. This is the first time I seen it doing this.


Originally Posted by mrchinky71
mine isn't a reef tank yet. Only fish with rocks no inverts or anything right now. infact only 1 clown fish. Yeah right now I have 1 Maxi Jet 600, pointed to top at the top to the right rear of the tank. The Rio 50 is also pointed to top at the top front left of the tank. Should i point the rio down? Or is it fine where its at? Im just worried my clown fish my die from suffocation. This is the first time I seen it doing this.
Nah, I wouldn't say they both need to be pointed towards the top... as long as you can see a decent amount of ripples on the surface.. you'll be alright. Make sure, if your running those glass tops, I would suggest ditching them or leaving the lids open like NoFish for better exchange. Running glass tops can cause all kinds of problems... Ph goes down, then alk and calcium goes all wacky... tank heats up.. bad oxygen levels.... just goes further down hill.
BTW... NoFish, good to see everything worked out for you


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrchinky71
mine isn't a reef tank yet. Only fish with rocks no inverts or anything right now. infact only 1 clown fish. Yeah right now I have 1 Maxi Jet 600, pointed to top at the top to the right rear of the tank. The Rio 50 is also pointed to top at the top front left of the tank. Should i point the rio down? Or is it fine where its at? Im just worried my clown fish my die from suffocation. This is the first time I seen it doing this.
If your so worried about it, go ahead and run the bubbler part, but turn it down low to where it just puts small amounts within your tank. It will cause salt creep just so that you know....I have a glass top on my aggressive tank and it's doing just fine, there's two fish in there that I've had for a year. But my glass top isn't all the way shut either, the very back is vented.... :happyfish