Best way to Lower Nitrite?


my Nitrite is high right now. from accidental overfeeding. My clownfish has begun to eat less lately and now theres alot of uneaten food and its making my nitrites high. How do i lower it as soon as possible? water changes? I just did a 10%(3 gallon) should i do another one within a few days instead of within a week?


water changes ever few days (10%). To keep them down, make sure u have enough lr and ls. also see if your overstocked on fish and dont have enough filtration.


Originally Posted by djevack
water changes ever few days (10%). To keep them down, make sure u have enough lr and ls. also see if your overstocked on fish and dont have enough filtration.

nah im just accidently overfeeding, because my clown for the past 2 days haven't been eating as much as usual. I will try to change water within 3 days to help lower nitrites and again in another 3 day so it would be on schedule with my water change.


yep, just do a little at a time every few days. Rememer if u take 10% water out, u lower the nitrites 10% as well. if u do the math u can see how many changes it will take to get down to a safe level.


Active Member
If you want to do really remove it from your tank, you need to do around 20-25% water change every other day to bring it down. That's incase it gets any higher. Doing around 10% for now is fine as long as it doesn't get out of hand.... :happyfish