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  1. sumpdiver

    Gold Stripe Maroon hosting....

    Mine is still hosting the powerhead.
  2. sumpdiver

    Yellow Tang died-don't have a clue why?

    Taking fish with a slurp gun can cause injury also; the suction is hard on their eyes. Experinced scuba divers can use these devices safely and gently, but free divers are more rushed for time and often injure their prey. The best way to ensure marine fish are not harmed is to buy tanked...
  3. sumpdiver

    Help!!!! Protein Skimmer Trouble

    SaltFan: I thought the skimate was only foamy as it pushes up through the tube. Once the foam goes into the collection cup doesn't it turn into the scummy stinky water? Or at least that is how it works in my CPR. Maybe my adjustments are off also.
  4. sumpdiver

    Media usage in power filter?

    How about using a carbon filter in the Bio-Bale side of a hang on CPR Bak-Pak two days a week just to clear up the water then remove it from the skimmer. Does anyone feel this would cause a nitrate increase? Poly Filter just doesn't clear up the water.
  5. sumpdiver

    Can A CPR Bak-Pak Skimmer Clear Up Cloudy Water?

    Pardon all, new guy here: Please excuse my noobyness, but I have a question. I'm currently running a CPR Bak-Pak skimmer on a fifty gallon tall with just a power-head. I have 30 pounds of well cured Marshall Island LR piled high on about 10 pounds of base rock all on a fine sand bed. (20...
  6. sumpdiver

    Maroon Clown hosting Toadstool

    Beth: Thanks for the quick responce. You're probably right, I guess he will go elsewhere if he gets tired of fighting the current. I only have two 18" actinics (T-8s) and two full spectrum white flouresences. The top of the rockwork is well lit but the tank is deep. My original intentions...
  7. sumpdiver

    Maroon Clown hosting Toadstool

    My yellow stripe maroon has chosen the worst possible corner in my tank to host, right betweeen the powerhead and the outlet for the skimmer. He will not budge and I'm afraid he is not getting enough rest because the water movement is so strong there. The tank is too new for an anemonie yet (6...
  8. sumpdiver

    what other things besides an anemone do clowns like to host?

    My Maroon hosts the powerhead.
  9. sumpdiver

    do any other type of clowns host corals

    My yellow stripe maroon host the powerhead. He even sleeps there right between the powerhead and the outlet from the skimmer so close to the surface his dorsal fin breaks the surface. The current in that spot is so swift he has to swim continously to stay there, I can't imagine he ever gets...