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  1. farley003

    Bloated snowflake eel

    Not sure, but if it was stung is this something that he will recover from?
  2. farley003

    Bloated snowflake eel

    I have a snowflake eel that seems to be severly bloated or even swollen. I only feed him 3 times a week and I am careful not to overfeed. He was a very healthy eater until about a week ago and right now he wont eat anything. The tankmates are a V lion and 2 hermit crabs. No tankmates were eaten...
  3. farley003

    Inverts in Aggressive tank

    I added 2 hermit crabs and 2 snails to my aggressive tank and they have really made a difference in my tank. At one time I had an algae breakout but the snails have quickly taken care of that problem and now I can keep the light on a few more hours a day. The hermit crabs were added to take...
  4. farley003

    Sting Ray Help!!

    thanks for the info guys.
  5. farley003

    Sting Ray Help!!

    The tail on my sting ray looks like its bleeding and I dont know what happened. I have a 150 gal that is stocked with a lion, snowflake eel and the sting ray. I don't know what to do next. HELP!!!!!!!
  6. farley003

    skimmer question-- please help

    it is a venturi type skimmer.
  7. farley003

    skimmer question-- please help

    Today I finally added a skimmer to my tank. Problem is, the collection cup is filling up with water. What am I doing wrong? Since I bought the skimmer used, I'm not sure what brand it is and of course no manuel. I am using a Mag 7 pump on the skimmer. PLEASE HELP!!!
  8. farley003

    Skimmer Question--PLEASE HELP!!!

    Today I finally added a skimmer to my tank. Problem is, the collection cup is filling up with water. What am I doing wrong? Since I bought the skimmer used, I'm not sure what brand it is and of course no manuel. I am using a Mag 7 pump on the skimmer. PLEASE HELP!!!
  9. farley003

    200 gallon tank

    thank for the info.
  10. farley003

    200 gallon tank

    Is $300.00 a good price for a 200 gallon tank (tank only)?
  11. farley003

    Garlic soak, Zoe & selcon

    Can someone explain the difference between a garlic soak and using Zoe or selcon. I only feed my fish live or frozen food.
  12. farley003

    Live Mysid Shrimp

    Where can u buy live mysis shrimp?
  13. farley003

    Suitable Tank mates for lion fish

    I have a 75 gal tank with a Snowflake Eel, Lionfish and a porcupine puffer. I would like to add 1 maybe 2 more fish to the tank but I want something that is compatible. Of the three that i have , they do not bother each other and I would like to keep that harmony. I am a big fan of trigger fish...