skimmer question-- please help


New Member
Today I finally added a skimmer to my tank. Problem is, the collection cup is filling up with water. What am I doing wrong? Since I bought the skimmer used, I'm not sure what brand it is and of course no manuel. I am using a Mag 7 pump on the skimmer. PLEASE HELP!!!


Try turning down the air valve if its a ventrui type skimmer. Really need to know what type of skimmer it is or a picture of it.


Active Member
You need to fine tune the water and air mixture. First off turn the air all the way down, then the water all the way up until its just a rushing out. Then turn the air all the way up. Watch the collection cup for a few minutes, then start turning the water down then the air at the same rate. This will equalize them, once you have the mixture just half way into the collection cup, your set.