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  1. hab2001

    Shrimp Stuck

    I don't know how but my cleaner shrimp is in my overflow and I'm not sure how to get him out. Does anyone have any ideas??
  2. hab2001

    Algae Problem!!!!!

    I've been fighting long hair algae for about 3 months now and I'm not sure what else to do. To give a little history, I had my tank for 2.5 years and I have a 90g FOWLR with wet/dry filter system. I have 4 powerheads in my tank at various locations. I have 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 2 clowns, 1...
  3. hab2001

    Long Hair Algae

    I've been fighting long hair algae for about 3 months now and I'm not sure what else to do. To give a little history, I have a 90g FOWLR with wet/dry filter system. I have 4 powerheads in my tank at various locations. I have 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 2 clowns, 1 chromis, 1 shrimp, snails...
  4. hab2001

    Help Fish Dying!!!!

    Over the past month I have lost my yellow tang, mandarin, bicolor angel + several snails. I have a 90g Fowlr with live sand and 80lbs of LR. I used a Wet/Dry and I have two Maxijet Powerheads 1200 with the rotating head. My water temp is around 79-80 degrees. I checked my water and my...
  5. hab2001

    Tang Problems

    I have a yellow tang that has not eaten in almost two weeks. It always sits in the corner and never really swims around anymore. I checked my water and my pH 8.0, Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, Phosphate 0. It seems to be breathing really hard but there are no other signs of disease. My...
  6. hab2001

    HELP - Yellow Tang

    I have a yellow tang that I have had for a year now and all of sudden it isn't eating and always hiding behind the liverock. When it comes time for feeding it comes out and eats a little then spits it back out and then goes back behind the rocks. I have tried every type of food that it used to...
  7. hab2001

    Yellow Tang

    I have a yellow tang that I have had for a year now and all of sudden it isn't eating and always hiding behind the liverock. When it comes time for feeding it comes out and eats a little then spits it back out and then goes back behind the rocks. I have tried every type of food that it used to...
  8. hab2001

    UV Sterilizers

    I have a FOWLR with inverts. I have had my tank for year and a half and I continue to have alot of green algae on my glass and diatoms on my live sand. I'm considering getting a UV Sterilizer but I wanted to know your inputs if it is worth getting and what brands were best.
  9. hab2001

    Dirty Water

    I have setup an All Glass Megaflow 90g with a Proclear 150g wet/dry with 2 powerheads. I have debri floating all over in my water which is very disappointing. I have two filter pads which should catch all the debri not including the protein skimmer that came with the Proclear filter. Any...
  10. hab2001

    Fish Stock

    I'm currently upgrading to a 90g FOWLR with a built in overflow by All-Glass (Megaflow). I currently have 75lbs of live rock and a 2" live bed of sand in my current 90g without a built in overflow. I have a wet/dry 125 by Proclear with a protein skimmer. I have had my current tank for 1.5...
  11. hab2001


    I'm looking at two different tanks. The first is a Lemars tank 90g with built in overflow. The second is a All-Glass Megaflow 90g with built in overflow. I have been told conflicting stories about both from several LFS. Any help would be great!
  12. hab2001


    Are T5's HO 4x54W for a 90g tank sufficient to have corals in my tank? Dimensions are 48"Lx18"Wx22"D.
  13. hab2001


    I currently have been running a FOWLR for 14 months. I have a 90g with a Proclear wet/dry with a protein skimmer. I have 3 powerheads in my tank for water movement. I have basic flourecent setup with lunar lights (current brand). I'm wanting to add coral to my tank. I'm looking at adding a...
  14. hab2001

    Fish Stock

    I have the following fish: 1 - Yellow Tang 1 - Blue Hippo Tang 2 - Clowns 2 - Firefish 5 - Chromis 1 - Orange spotted gobie 1 - Flame Angel 30 - Hermits 20 - Snails 2 - Cleaner Shrimp Is this ok on a FOWLR 90 gallon? I have 60 lbs of live rock.
  15. hab2001

    Properly Lighting and Water Flow

    :jumping: I have a 90g FOWLR and I'm having an Diatom and Red Algae bloom. My tank has been up for about 8 months. I have a Wet/Dry Proclear 150 with 2-1200 MaxiJet Powerheads and 1-600. For lighting I have a Current 460NM Actinic/10,000 Daylight (2-65W) blubs which I leave on for 9 hours a...
  16. hab2001

    Red Sea 34g

    I have been running a 90g FOWLR for 8-9 months and I'm looking at down sizing to the Red Sea 34g Nano cube tank. Does anyone know anything about these tanks? Is it easier to keep up than my current tank?
  17. hab2001

    Brown Algae

    I have been having an outbreak of brown algae growing only on my substrate. My tank has been up for about 8 months. I have a 90g tank FOWLR with 1 yellow tang, 2 clowns, 1 chromis, 1 blue tang, 30 hermits, 20 snails. I use a wet/dry Proclear filter. I have my lights on from 11am-9pm. I also...
  18. hab2001

    Water Quality

    I have been having problems with brown algae in my tank. All my test for Phosphates, Nitrates, Nitrites, Amonia are all ok. My Alk is 8 which my LFS says that it should be at 12. I took them a sample of my saltwater and RO/DI water. My saltwater was ok except for Alk at 8. They then tested...
  19. hab2001


    What is the best way to have the tank cleaned of fish poop and stuff that falls onto the substrate?
  20. hab2001

    Live Sand Question

    I have been looking at Natures Ocean Live Sand and CaribSea Aragalive Water Packed Live Sand. Which is better. I taking out my CC and replacing it with one of these.