Search results

  1. akhuneteru

    Blue Reef Chromis

    My blue reef chromis are not doing very well. They look a little skinny, but other than that I can not see any fungus, ick etc. One of them has been missing for about 2 days, so I am guessing that he died. All the other fish are doing great and I don't see anything wrong with them. My blue-green...
  2. akhuneteru

    Fiji Leather Coral

    What the heck!? Is it dangerous? :scared: They were really long about 7 inches.
  3. akhuneteru

    Fiji Leather Coral

    I just purchased a Yellow Fiji Leather Coral. It has 2 clear looking strings coming off of it. They look like a ladder that has been split down the middle. What in the world are they? Is that part of them acclimating?
  4. akhuneteru

    Types of Live Rock

    Can anyone tell me what their favorite types of live rock they like? What is the most desirable? I was looking at Lalo Rock. Is it any good?
  5. akhuneteru


    What kind of hard coral, LPS and SPS? Or both?
  6. akhuneteru


    Originally Posted by crackers I have alway heard and read, no there are none, but I have seen some in reef tanks, just wondering if the size of the tank and the amount of corals matter. I was also thinking a foxface was not reef safe either but I just one in a pic of a tank on this site...
  7. akhuneteru

    What do you hate about this hobby?

    The Worst: The cost and addiction. Your husband complaining and not understanding why you would pay $30 for a fish and $50 for a coral. And those are cheap! The Best: Sitting back at the end of the day and say,"Wow! I did that all by myself." Your children coming to the tank several times a day...
  8. akhuneteru


    I am assuming there aren't any reef safe butterflies, right?
  9. akhuneteru

    Bubble coral

    How often do you feed them?
  10. akhuneteru

    Bubble coral

    What is a silverside? A fish? Sorry, I am new to saltwater.
  11. akhuneteru

    Bubble coral

    What do you feed bubble coral? I have read a few threads about silversides?
  12. akhuneteru

    Elegance coral

    Oh, sorry forgot to tell you about the filtration. I have a canistar filter and protein skimmer, both good for up to 100 gallons.
  13. akhuneteru

    Elegance coral

    192 watts (2-96 watts) Actinic and 10,000K
  14. akhuneteru

    Elegance coral

    I have a 55 gallon with live rock. My tank is only 7 months old. I have a coral beauty (doesn't bother the corals), 2 blue reef chromis, 1 long fin fairy wrasse, 2 percula clowns, 2 shrimp (got rid of my peppermint :mad: ) a scarlet and blood, several crabs (mithrax, boxing, marshall island...
  15. akhuneteru

    Elegance coral

    Wow, Thanks! It is a good thing I asked. Another place said it was moderate and for beginner through expert. I think I will try something else. Does anyone recommend something that looks similar, but more hardy? What about tooth or torch coral?
  16. akhuneteru

    Elegance coral

    Does anyone have an elegance coral? How hard are they to care for and what level of experience should you have? Thanks.
  17. akhuneteru

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Positive. The poor hermit pulled back in his shell twice. Then was trying to crawl away. The peppermint started at the back of the crab, the soft part. He was well behaved until about 3 weeks ago, he just started picking at everything. This morning I caught him trying to take my pipe organ...
  18. akhuneteru

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Of course! I feed all my guys at least twice a day. I have never seen any aiptaisia in my tank, so I don't know if he kept them under control or they were never there in the first place. I have a 55 gallon with: 1 coral beauty 1 long fin fairy wrasse 2 blue reef chromis 2 clownfish 1 serpent sea...
  19. akhuneteru

    Explain where your user name originated

    I chose this name because I love history and science. My name means "Shining Ones" in ancient Egyptian. They were a race of beings that lived in the first of four ages from what the ancient Egyptians called the "First Time" or Zep Tepi, about 25,000 years ago (before the last Ice Age.)...
  20. akhuneteru

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Ok. I think I might chuck him. I just saw him tear out one of my scarlet hemit crabs and eat him. Yuck! Now I know where they have all been going. Do you think I can live without him? I don't see any bad anemones and I don't plan on adding anymore live rock. I still have my skunk and blood shrimps.