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  1. grubby1091

    Anemone Question

    I have a 44 gallon corner tank. I have 2 Percula clowns in it. I have a 96 watt Coralife Florecent. My question is. Is there any type of anemone that will live in this tank that will be a host for my clowns? The tank is about a year old and has good water quality. Thanks Bob
  2. grubby1091

    how many fish?

    I have a 44 gallon corner tank with LR and Percula clowns and a yellow watchman gobby. I have a cleaner crew, a sand sifting star fish and a choclate chip star fish. I would like to add some more fish. Can you recomend what fish would be best and how many can I safely add without over crowding...
  3. grubby1091

    HELP!!!!! Fish are dying!

    I have bad nitrates and ammonia. How often can I make water changes and how much each time? 44 gallon tank.
  4. grubby1091

    HELP!!!!! Fish are dying!

    I have a 44 gallon tank that has been set up for approx 6 months. Due to long hours working, I am ashamed to say, I have neglected my tank. I have had a anglefish to die about a week ago and in the last 3 days I have lost a wrass,tang and a royal grammer, not to mention two cleaner shrimp. I did...
  5. grubby1091

    HELP!!!!! Fish are dying!

    I have a 44 gallon tank that has been set up for approx 6 months. Due to long hours working, I am ashamed to say, I have neglected my tank. I have had a anglefish to die about a week ago and in the last 3 days I have lost a wrass,tang and a royal grammer, not to mention two cleaner shrimp. I did...
  6. grubby1091


    If I ordered fish today 3:45pm Eastern time when should I expect them to be delivered?
  7. grubby1091

    ICK, yuck

    i dont have a quarantine tank. and what is hypo....what do i do?
  8. grubby1091

    ICK, yuck

    I have some fish with what appears to be ick. What do i need to do to cure it?
  9. grubby1091

    Is he Gonna Die?

    I tried to move my feather duster today and the tube broke away from the worm. Have I commited a murder? If not what can I do to help him? All I can see is the crown laying under the LR.
  10. grubby1091

    Dead Feather Duster?

    I tried to move my feather duster today and the tube broke away from the worm. Have I commited a murder? If not what can I do to help him? All I can see is the crown laying under the LR.
  11. grubby1091

    Clownfish question

    I purchased a maroon clownfish for my 44 gallon corner tank. It was a very beautiful fish, and after watching him in the tank, I want another clown. I have heard that they will fight to the death, Is this true? Can I add another type of clown that will not fight? I have conflicting answers from...
  12. grubby1091

    Brown algae

    I have a brown algae growing in my tank.....What can i do for it, or what can i buy that will eat it?
  13. grubby1091

    How long do I wait?

    I just carried a sample of water to my LFS. Everything tested great. I purchased 2 Turbo Snails, 2 Hermit Crabs, 1 Royal Gamma and a Pink Tipped Anemone. Oh, I also added 3 lbs of LR to my existing 65lbs.(mine wasnt showing any signs of life) How long should I wait before adding any more coral...
  14. grubby1091

    Has my tank cycled?

    So I shouldnt put any of the cleaner crew in yet? Loosing patience, want to see something moving other than the
  15. grubby1091

    Has my tank cycled?

    I was wondering if you guys think my tank has cycled or even started its cycle? Here is what my water test have been like. 6/26- put in LR, PH 8.4, Alk normal, 0 Amonia. 1 Nitrite. 20 to 50 Nitrate (this test done with a test strip, i figure not very reliable) 6/27- purchased a Red Sea saltwater...
  16. grubby1091

    Water Testing and Cycle question

    Ok, here goes another question. My, dead looking, live rock arrived monday 6/26/06. I tested my water tonight 6/29/06 and got the following results....water temp 78 degrees (F), PH 8.4, Alk. Normal, Nitrate 10ppm Amonia 0.25 13% toxic amonia and Nitrite 0.2. Prior to my putting the rock in I had...
  17. grubby1091

    How do I know?

    When I put my LR in, how do I know when it is cycling and when its safe to put in cleaners?
  18. grubby1091

    What Next

    Thanks guys....The rock was bought off ---- and the brown truck shipper was suppose to have shipped in 2 days but lost the package.
  19. grubby1091

    What Next

    OK guys, my Rock that I bought on ---- came in today after 6 days spent with UPS on a truck or lost in a distribution center. I have opened the box and the saltwater soaked paper towels that it was wrapped in are now dry. The rock is covered wilth what looks like a white and pinkish colored...
  20. grubby1091

    Shipping Live Rock

    I purchased 65lbs of live rock on ----. Prior to being shipped it had been in a aquarium with some die off. It was shipped on the June 21st UPS 2nd day ground. Well make a long story short, UPS failed to place it on the truck in Pennsylvania and now it will be monday before it arrives. It is...