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  1. redhawk

    Micro Bubbles Need Help

    I just set up a 20 gallon sump for my 75 gallon tank and bubbles or something small is coming throuh the returen line.looks like crap i guess i should have keep the hang on filter but i thought i was upgrading so much for thinking. any help or suggestions pleasehelp
  2. redhawk

    What to do for a back ground?

    i used 2.5 % window tint and looks great. if you dont like you can just pull off. then no need to worry about paint getting on everything
  3. redhawk

    Home Made Sump

    Thanks For Imfo.
  4. redhawk

    Home Made Sump

    Hey New To The Hobby. I Am Wanting To Build My Own Sump. I Have A 75 Gallon Tank That Is Not Drilled.i Have A 20 Long Tank To Use For Sump If It Will Work.please Help On Where To Put Baffles Or Anything That Needs To Be Done.thanks For Any Imput.