Search results

  1. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    tank is pending
  2. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    you can always have two!
  3. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    check your mail.
  4. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    Yes the tank is drilled hence Reef Ready. It is drilled on the bottom like almost all All-Glass tanks that I know. It will have the Megaflow overflow system included as well. so you will have your bulk heads and return pipe. you can see one overflow on the right and then there is the second one...
  5. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    nightly bump
  6. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    i have a frame of a stand never finished it. made of 2x4s. if you want it you can have it. just needs some facing and doors and its good to go. i can get pics if your interested. thanx
  7. jonny

    FS : Supreme Mag Drive 24 $80 shipped

    Originally Posted by whyamisofl Google is your best friend Description Specifically designed for the demands of a pond, unlike most other pumps on the market. Magnetic drive pumps are made to run continuously, without seals to wear out. Highly energy efficient, the savings pass on to the...
  8. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    bump to the top
  9. jonny

    FS : Supreme Mag Drive 24 $80 shipped

    bump to the top
  10. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    bump for central illinois
  11. jonny

    how much for a mag 24 is the link to the new thread
  12. jonny

    FS : Supreme Mag Drive 24 $80 shipped

    i got a 1 1/2 yr old mag drive that i will be selling. 80 shipped in the conUS. its in great shape. never been clogged, sucked up sand or anything like that. thanx cole pm and i can give my paypal addy
  13. jonny

    how much for a mag 24

    ok thanks cole
  14. jonny

    FS : 210g All Glass Tank Reef Ready /Peoria IL

    I have a 210g for sale in Peoria, IL. I will be asking $300 for it. Its about 1 1/2 yrs old. Been setup as salt for its life. its currently just got sand and water in it. the pictures are from a little while ago when i had my rock still in it. i would need pickup or if you pay for gas i can...
  15. jonny

    how much for a mag 24

    so $100 is a good price. its about 1 yr old. impeller is is good shape. if so i will offer it up for that. thanx cole
  16. jonny

    how much for a mag 24

    its made by supreme the green box? i believe.
  17. jonny

    how much for a mag 24

    how much does the mag 24 pull used and in good shape. i have one from my 210g that i will taking down so i will be parting out the tank. let me know what a fair price is so i know what to ask. thanx cole