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  1. asrnj77


    My niger trigger is petrified of me, my dogface, and will occassionally compete with my foxface...all in all they have never attacked each other and they sleep within inches of each other but I would not consider him aggressive at all
  2. asrnj77

    Dogface is a slow eater

    Well he is not slow on the frozen cubes...besides the Dogface I have a Foxface Rabbit and a Niger Trigger. They all get along great..the trigger will eat anything I put in the tank including the formula two flakes I put in for the foxface. Even the foxface now goes crazy for the marine cusine...
  3. asrnj77

    Is This The Bad Red Stuff

    Not to hijack the thread but I too am suffering from the dreaded slime...its all over the right side of my tank. I use RO/DI water and the lights have been on for 8 hours a day...perhaps too much? Its a 75 gallon and the slime is all over my rocks on one side of the tank and creeping up the...
  4. asrnj77

    Overflow suctions problems..

    So I just got the overflow with he powerhead attachment...the powerhead has an attachment and it blows water out the front and the tube to the overflow is on the side. The problem is that it doesn't appear to be sucking up any water. When I stick my finger over the part blowing out water it puts...
  5. asrnj77

    Overflow suctions problems..

    Yeah thanks...I believe the pump was only a 900 and it wasn't pulling hard enough...I got one of those continous overflows with an attached pump..hopefully that does the trick....I hate having to suck that water up.......
  6. asrnj77

    Overflow suctions problems..

    Does anybody have experience with the continous siphon overflow boxes? Those look a lot better than the U tube set up...The only thing is that everyone I have seen has only one hose hook up at the bottom and my wet/dry has two hoses going into it....can I get away with one hose?
  7. asrnj77

    Overflow suctions problems..

    Hi, I know several other people have similar problems but here are mine... So my 75 gallon goes into a hang on overflow which has two U pipes that suck the water to the back where it is then sent into the wet/dry to skimmer to UV back into tank...the problem is that the U pipes keep losing...
  8. asrnj77

    filtration issues?

    I have a 75 gallon with wet/dry filter (bio balls) into the sump through the skimmer and uv light...the water comes from the overflow box that hangs on the back of the tank. The problem is that even though the overflow is flowing water a pretty good rate there are still particles and kind of a...
  9. asrnj77

    Is my LR still alive?

    Hi, so I bought the tank (75G) with about 65lbs of LR. The rocks were placed in buckets but with very little water in them. By the time I moved the tank, equipment and hooked-up the RO/DI, it had been almost 10 days. The rocks were dried out but I put them in the tank anyways and filled it with...
  10. asrnj77

    Fish reccomendations?

    Yeah about 50lbs of live rock.
  11. asrnj77

    Fish reccomendations?

    Hi, I am pretty new to this but your opinion is helpful. I have a 75 gallon tank and I was interested in getting a foxface, niger trigger, and snowflake eel. Is the tank big enough for me to keep these three guys? Will they co-habitate? Thanks