

Active Member
Undulated, queen, and clown are all very nasty and can eventually kill everything in your tank if they do not have enough territory for themselves.


Active Member
Originally Posted by edavis
what would be good tank mates for triggers?
Other triggers, moray eels, groupers. Some more aggressive angels and tangs can live with the less aggressive triggers. Puffers can also be housed with the less aggressive triggers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Other triggers, moray eels, groupers. Some more aggressive angels and tangs can live with the less aggressive triggers. Puffers can also be housed with the less aggressive triggers.
Yep, I agree.
Not much can really go with triggers. They need a lot of space and other tank mates who can really hold their own.


an undulated trigger and a blue-line trigger i think are the most aggresive i had both in my tank also with a niger and a bursa but i recently got rid of my niger he is too much of a pussy and my undulated trigger because he would fight with my blu-line! nothing big or anything they would just nip each other alot
but i think the blue-line is an awesome trigger


New Member
My niger trigger is petrified of me, my dogface, and will occassionally compete with my foxface...all in all they have never attacked each other and they sleep within inches of each other but I would not consider him aggressive at all
Originally Posted by edavis
what would be good tank mates for triggers?
i had a blue damsel that bullied around my rectangular trigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Undulated, queen, and clown are all very nasty and can eventually kill everything in your tank if they do not have enough territory for themselves.
And that's when they're in a good mood. SOME Nigers can be quite peaceful, for a trigger. But I always compare "nice" triggers to pit bulls....everything is Rosy, then they suddenly snap & go postal.


It's weird, I've had 2 clown triggers before (not at the same time though) and both were sweethearts.....I had a Picasso Trigger in there with them and he was a holy terror.
Nigers are pretty mellow for triggers, so are pinktails. Undulated, blue-lines, and queens would have to be the worst.